At last Boeing and NASA threw in the towel and agreed to have SpaceX bring back the two stranded astronauts who were only supposed to be aboard the Int’l. Space station for 8 days. As it is, they’re still going to be there a total of 8 months according to BBC News.

SpaceX will launch a crew capsule there this coming September with only 2 of the planned astronauts aboard instead of 4. Then, when their mission is complete in February, they and the 2 stranded astronauts will return together in the SpaceX capsule.

When the NASA contracts were handed out to Boeing and SpaceX for transporting astronauts to and from the Space Station, Boeing received $4.2 billion while SpaceX got $2.6 billion. Since then, SpaceX has completed nine crewed missions for NASA while Boeing has yet to finish one. It’s no wonder NASA has waited so long hoping Boeing would fix their problems, as this must be very embarrassing for them. But it became obvious that a safe return, even in rocketry terms, wasn’t going to happen for the stranded astronauts in that defective Boeing capsule.

Boeing’s been getting a lot of bad press lately for aircraft engine problems when they don’t make the engines and maintenance problems that are the responsibility of those who bought the aircraft. But this is on them. They sent two people into space apparently as a test of the space capsule. This was the very first crewed mission and the previous tests also suffered thruster problems, as this one does. They nearly got them killed and are unable after months of trying, to bring them back.

SpaceX leads the world in rocketry. Reusable first stages that land on floating bullseyes are unparalleled, they’ve built the largest, most powerful and most reliable engines yet, and it looks like their Starship will be landing on the Moon before much longer. Time for NASA to put the money where it’s best used.

One thought on “BOEING IS LOST IN SPACE”


    Time To Get To Work Saving America

    Cartoon published 08/26/2024

    We live in serious times that call for serious solutions from serious men and women. Trump, Vance, and RFK Jr. are those serious men.

    Tulsi Gabbard is an example of a serious woman. This calls for a serious cartoon featuring people rolling up their sleeves and getting to work to save America. Here is that cartoon and it was inspired by another serious situation—World War II. A cartoonist named David Low drew serious British men rolling up their sleeves—ready to fight Hitler.

    The DNC ended last week with the Democrats riding high on Kamala’s very un-democratic coronation. There was little talk about serious issues. Policy was replaced with nebulous talk of ‘joy’ and good feelings. The Democrats are not serious and if they somehow get elected, the chuckling Kamala will continue Biden’s destruction of America.

    Contrast the falderal spewed at the convention with RFK Jr.’s historic address to the nation. RFK Jr. is a serious man and intellectual who has spent a lot of time thinking about solving serious issues. He would have easily defeated Biden had the corrupt Democrat Party allowed primaries. Instead the Democrat Party did all it could to shut RFK Jr. out.

    Trump admitted his first choice for Vice President was RFK Jr. It would have been Trump’s way of uniting the country, but ‘Bobby’ turned him down. After revealing just how corrupt the Democrats were, RFK Jr. suspended his own presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump for President. It is unprecedented for a Democrat such as Kennedy to endorse a Republican. Something is seriously very wrong with the Democratic Party for that to happen. Obama put it on the Marxist path. He said he would fundamentally change America and now we have two Marxists running for the White House.

    RFK Jr. did not leave the Democrat Party. It left him. The Democrat Party has few moderates. It has degenerated into a party of endless war, censorship, abortion, crime, open borders, and corrupt government agencies. The Republicans under President Trump represent the party of freedom, secure borders, law and order, low taxes, and limited government. The Democrats want to burn down America and build a communist police state from its ashes. The Republicans want to return American to it’s glory and steer her towards a bright future for every American. The Democrats want to judge you by your skin color and your gender, the Republicans want you to be free and prosperous regardless of your appearance.

    A lot of work is required to defeat the Marxist Democrats. We have three able men ready to get the work done. We must all get serious. We must roll up our sleeves and support them.

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