I had a friend for many years that was like a brother. I thought so, anyway. I loved him like a brother, trusted him completely, knew that he’d never lie to me or do me wrong in any way.

Then he had a stroke.

He lost some strength in his right side and his speech was a little slurred, but he recovered pretty quickly and after about a month he could drive his car again and talked pretty normally again.

He’d planned on coming out to visit me last May and by the time May rolled around he was in pretty good shape again, and made the trip, by taking a Greyhound bus. We sat out on the front deck at the patio table and barbecued up steaks and chicken and were swapping stories, and that’s when I realized a few things.

One was that he’d lost a lot of memory from having that stroke. It wiped out a bunch of his memories. Another thing I realized as I listened to him talk about the things he did remember, was that back many years ago, he’d cheated me on a business deal and lied to me. A lot. He’d forgotten that he wasn’t supposed to tell me the things he did.

While he was here, he was rude to me, tried to order me around in my own home, and insulted me without even seeming to notice he was doing it. He treated me with contempt, because that was how he really felt about me. Only he’d kept it hidden all these years.

And that’s when the final realization hit me, that I didn’t know this guy. The guy I knew was killed by that stroke, and I’ll tell you, I would have been happier if I’d never found out how he really felt about me.

He left, took the bus back home, I’ll never see him again and don’t want to. After telling him how much he’s changed and how badly he behaved, he doesn’t want to see me again either, so that worked out okay. That stroke caused him to blow his act, and it’s always better to know who your friends really are than to think they are what they’re not.

I had no idea that strokes changed your personality like that. If it happened to me it might not make much difference because I treat my friends exactly as I feel about them and think of them, I never try to take advantage of them, and I say what I think. But the idea of having my brain rearranged so that I become some kind of abusive, manipulative jerk is repulsive to me. If I should ever have a stroke, the reader has my permission to shoot me. But not until then.


  1. Maybe. Or Not.

    …and what if…?

    The stroke made the REVERSE effect:


    But the stroke CHANGED HIM TO A LIAR even for HIMSELF doing and telling you evil acts because the SUFFERING and FEAR OF DEATH managed to see his own life in a Different Light.

    …or even if he made such a PACT to his imaginary enemy SATAN:

    “If I escape from death and recover my body movements, I will hurt the feelings of my best friend ever.”

    Then he paid the pact teeling lies to you about something in the past and acted like some kind of abusive, manipulative jerk.

    1. That’s a pretty far reach, Ernesto. He suffered frontal lobe damage. That’s what caused his changed behavior. He is literally a different person now than he was before the stroke. The person I worry about now is his wife. This can’t be going well for her.

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