See? This stuff is all over the Internet. Try to imagine in your wildest nightmares that Kamala Harris actually has a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning a fair and honest presidential election. Can you? Of course not.

Yet the propaganda is universal that not only does she have an even chance of beating Trump, but that she’s actually ahead in many states.

She will not be elected president by popular vote. She will be appointed by those who now govern the country. I keep telling you, Donald Trump will not be president. The “elections” are the same here as they are in Brazil, frauds, bread and circuses, distractions to keep the public from looking at what’s really going on, which is that the nation is now in the grip of a dictatorship.

One thought on “DOG AND PONY SHOW”


    Mike Pence? Who Cares?

    Cartoon published 09/05/2024

    Breaking news!: Mike Pence will not be voting for Trump this year. Yeah. We already knew that. Big whoop.

    Everyone already knows Pence has joined the RINO ranks of the Republican party. Those who favor globalism, war, and increasing control by the Deep State Swamp. Pence could easily rub shoulders with the likes of John McCain (if he were still alive), Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Karl Rove. Pence never was a vociferous supporter of making America great again. He wanted to keep America the same again.

    The Former Vice President loves to gloat about accomplishments achieved during his time in the Trump administration, but then he instantly trots out reasons not for vote for the man who chose him as his Vice President. He expected to be applauded and supported for his betrayal of Trump. He motored into Iowa on a motorcycle—the big, tough guy in a leather jacket who was ready to lead the Republican Party to victory. Instead he was firmly rejected—a good sign.

    Pence is out of touch with most Republican voters. He has become irrelevant and should go away. He should stay at his multi million-dollar Indiana mansion and make speeches to rain clouds. War monger and loser Liz Cheney also came out and endorsed Kamala Harris, that really puts it in perspective doesn’t it?

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