A steady increase in the governmental repression of freedoms is happening all over the world and at the same time, the development of weapons of war is advancing dramatically, with drones, faster missiles, AI autonomous weapons and much more.

Killing people isn’t the real purpose of war anymore, all the death is secondary, It’s to build weapons that do so and make fortunes from their manufacture while emptying the treasuries of those nations who want the weapons to fight an adversary.

Killing off quantities of people will be accomplished by other means. A deadly disease can be built in a lab now that targets specific Han Chinese genes, for instance, and no doubt there already is one or one is in the works. The same is true for, say, Swedes, or native Hawaiians, the human race can now be selectively depopulated.

Humanity is finally moving beyond The Bomb in it’s ability to wipe itself out in the name of eradicating unwanted others, and we will soon leave the concept of massive infrastructure destruction behind in favor of gene-specific diseases.

This may be the real reason behind the developing of vaccines that can be made part of food or otherwise ingested. If you want to protect certain segments of your own population, whom are now very resistant to being injected, put it in the food in their markets, put it in the local water supply, spray it as an aerosol from aircraft, and of course make fortunes doing so.

Power is population control and whoever controls the most population, has the most power.

Another world war would make this impossible. The infrastructure must be functioning. Power grids aren’t just machines and wires, they’re globally networked cooperating centers of authority as well.

This is how the war we’re in now is about to be fought and the group that ends by having the most power on a depopulated planet will be the group that forms the Global Government.

Meanwhile, have a wonderful day.


Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland said yesterday that even if Trump somehow gets the popular vote, that Congress will stop him from taking office. Raskin is pretty prominent among his political fellows, so if this were a departure from their communal thought, we’d sure be hearing about it. Especially from “the Other Side”.

Yet the only squawk I can find is from a Charlie Kirk podcast where he calls this “Dangerous talk”. One thing that it’s not is dangerous talk. Raskin was simply speaking the truth. He wasn’t threatening or prophesizing, he was stating what he considers to be a fact, and he’s certainly in a position to know about this.

It must be a considerable chore to rig an election. It’s so much simpler and easier to have candidates that are all controlled, all on the same payroll, so to speak, and let the people have their free elections. Then there’s no need for candidates to raise huge sums of money or to assassinate undesired hopefuls. Once everyone is on board with The Agenda, then you only need to select those who you want to run against each other and let the people decide who they like the most, because it won’t matter. They can all make speeches about what they’re going to do for everyone and how they’re going to fix things, and have a lot of fun doing it, holding rallies and putting on a big show of democracy.

You see, this is why they keep saying Trump is a danger to democracy. Once people like him are no longer able to run for office, then they can stop rigging elections and let the people choose. See? Free elections. Democracy.

Donald Trump has been made a bad example of political behavior ever since he spoke out against the election theft. The few who stood up for him were prosecuted and persecuted, those who rallied in D.C. were sent to prison on made-up charges and many are still incarcerated. He’s had a string of political/criminal trials with 36 felony convictions and massive fines designed to wipe out his fortune, and restrictions to prevent him doing business. He was nearly assassinated when all that didn’t stop him, and he still hasn’t quit. Can you imagine how pissed off and frustrated they are? I think they’re going to squash him like a bug, destroy him, his family and everything he owns so utterly that the fear of emulating him will become part of our DNA.

This is not about Trump, he’s merely the Poster Boy for what happens when you try to fight the agenda. He’s the skull and crossbones on the bottle of poison and they’re going to make damn sure everyone knows it.


Iran has just warned any and all Arab nations that it will attack any that intervene when it attacks Israel. It obviously upset them that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all shared intelligence with the US about Iran’s previous attack plans on Israel. I wonder if they think this will actually frighten those nations into compliance, with this hollow threat.

If Iran were to attack any of the other Arab states, every nation on the planet with the means to inflict harm on Iran would leap into the fray against them, because it would stop the flow of oil out of the Middle East and wreck the world economy.

The Ayatollah and his minions have painted themselves into a corner. Their miserable failure in their last attack on Israel was embarrassing enough for them but the assassination of Haniya left no room to back out amd now they have to retaliate, but threatening the other Islamic nations to stay out of the fight is the surest way to bring them over to the side of Israel.

The Saudis have heavily armed themselves and could probably wage a successful war against Iran on their own if they chose to, and Iran is their avowed enemy, which is why they were happy to give information to Israel and the US. All those nations know that Iran’s current leaders want to dominate the entire Middle East.

So now they have only two choices, either push the button and attack Israel and anyone else who fights them, or walk in shame back across all that wet paint. If they attack it will very likely be the end of ayatollah rule in Iran, and so will a walk of shame, which might weaken them enough for the people to rise up and take their country back. The people are sick and tired of this religious dictatorship and the women, especially, would love to go back to wearing Western clothing again. Don’t underestimate the power of that.


Back when the “Pandemic” was released, same time that the Flu season miraculously never happened, and we were told to “social distance”, wear masks and by all means we absolutely must get the mRNA shots or be fired from our jobs, and have a shot card to prove it that was a direct violation of our Constitutional right to medical privacy, and yes, I can rant on for hours about this…..

A few brave doctors told us that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine would cure us of the Dreaded Covid19 Disease. Our government and the WHO quickly responded by claiming that Hydroxychloroquine was fish tank cleaner and poisonous and people who took it died, and that Ivermectin was “Horse medicine” and “Horse goo” and not fit for humans and you could overdose and blah blah blah.

I immediately ordered a buttload of Ivermectin Horse Goo from Amazon while it was still cheap and I take a dose of it once a month. I’m 85 now and I haven’t had a sick day since 2020, because besides the bullet list below, courtesy of Slay News, it also cures most corona viruses. That includes the flu and most cold viruses. Covid stands for COrona VIrus Disease, by the way. The 19 is 2019.

  • cancer
  • myiasis
  • trichinosis
  • malaria
  • leishmaniasis
  • American trypanosomiasis
  • schistosomiasis
  • bedbugs
  • rosacea
  • asthma
  • epilepsy
  • neurological diseases
  • HIV
  • tuberculosis
  • Buruli ulcer

Cancer. It cures cancer, and this has been known for awhile. “Our findings indicated that IVM was capable of suppressing tumor metastasis, which provided the rationale on exploring the potential clinical application of IVM in the prevention and treatment of cancer metastasis.”

Everyone should read this article.


Just read that Crazy, Cackling Kamala is to be the “Democrat’s” choice for the next Puppet In Chief, having secured more than enough delegates. We may freely interpret this blather to mean what it really does, that she’s to be the Uniparty’s replacement for Joe Biden.

Questions are raised. The first, of course, is What about Donald Trump? As I’ve said repeatedly, they won’t let him be president unless he accepts the Globalist agenda, and even as egocentric and desirous of the Presidency as he is, that’s just not likely. His original goal was to be America’s Greatest President Ever. That was angrily snatched away by an outraged and antipathetic Uniparty and now they even nearly managed to put a bullet in his brain to stop his incessant rallies. Any sane man would take the hint.

I think he’s trying for a second time just for the glory of it because he is truly brilliant and he must know what he’s up against better than the rest of us. But the only way to avoid another, and perhaps successful, attempt on his life is to tone the rhetoric way down, since he will never be allowed to be US President again to again assault the Globalist agenda.

Old age often brings on a religious fervor not often found in the young, who know they’re immortal and don’t think much about a possible Afterlife. They do if they live long enough, though, and I can’t help wondering if Trump wants to be a martyr and live forever in history. That scene, fist raised, “Fight, fight, fight”. Defiance to the end? He is saying “God” a lot more lately.

Anyway, it looks like the die is cast. What Kamala does as “president” shouldn’t concern anybody, she’ll do as she’s told. She has worse gaffes than Joe does so at least we can look forward to a little honesty in government from time to time, even though unintended.


Ever wonder what all those immigrants are eating, when you’re out looking for your pet dog or finding it strange that the local forest is so silent?

When the last Ice Age receded in Europe and the Americas, so did the populations of mastodons, wooly mammoths, giant sloths and other succulent, tasty creatures, as they fed the growing populations of hunter-gatherer tribes of humans. It was probably the extinction of such large quantities of meat on four legs that resulted in the practice of herding smaller animals and forming stationary communities.

In China, where famines have come and gone so many times, it’s now an ingrained practice to eat almost anything that moves. People will eat dirt and grass in the effort to stay alive.

Perhaps it’s because no one wants to talk about this, that the disappearance of wildlife isn’t being discussed, but that doesn’t stop it from disappearing and the laws regarding the taking of wildlife are meaningless to empty stomachs. The same is true of pets and livestock.

Immigration is driving extinctions. Why do you suppose so many people are leaving the Third World and moving to the First? It’s because they’re HUNGRY. When you read about population movements, you’re always told it’s because of wars, and that’s partly true, but most of them are just looking for food.

This is happening at the same time that the US government and those in Europe are steadily decreasing the availability of food. Land is being taken out of cultivation, millions of food animals slaughtered because of some “disease”, massive chicken farms suddenly burning to the ground along with food processing plants and exploding fertilizer plants, while farmers are being overburdened with restrictive laws and taxes in the names of “carbon” and “methane” and the wheat fields of Ukraine are shut down from war.

Right now the nations allowing all these migrants in are feeding them, while the cost of food at the market keeps rising. The end point is obvious, governments will run out of money to keep buying food that keeps getting scarcer and more expensive to feed the growing number of migrants, while the native population is finding itself less and less able to afford the food that is scarcer and more expensive… because of the migrants.

When the governments stop feeding the migrants, my personal expectation is that all Hell is going to break loose, with the riots, burning, looting, shooting etc. .

Bear in mind that all this apparent stupidity is planned, for the same reason that children are told they can change their sex, and of course become sterile, infertile, in the process. By now I shouldn’t need to explain the Globalist agenda.


Israel has just informed not just Iran but the world that the Russians don’t have a monopoly on killing their enemies, no matter where they are.

The wiping out of that monster, Ismael Haniya, in Iran with a bomb hidden in a guest house sends all sorts of messages. They can find where you are right down to where you’re standing. They don’t care what nation they offend in dealing with their enemies and they aren’t afraid of any retaliation.

That’s a lot. It should make people think. It makes me think that maybe they have something special that gives them this courage, because for all their constant internal squabbling, when it comes to warfare these people have it together. Their military technology is at the leading edge in the world.

Iran has sworn to retaliate with a direct attack on Israel. They already tried that once by sending over 300 missiles and drone aircraft at Israel, of which only 3 made it through and caused one casualty, the injuring of a little girl. All the rest were shot down by Israel, France, Great Britain and the USA, resulting in a massive humiliation for Iran that may push them to a major attack.

The “error” in failing to stop a missile that killed 12 Druze children was the excuse to kill the Hezbollah leader in Lebanon and Hamas leader in Iran. Yes, excuse. It was allowed to strike and explode for the same reason the Hamas murders of 1200 people was allowed to happen, to give Israel the national unity it needed to finally go to war. Iran’s second attack will have to kill a lot of innocent Israelis this time and that may be allowed to happen, too, as then the world would have to accept Israel’s right to hit Iran hard. Israel needs Iran to launch a second and seriously brutal attack, to justify a war with Iran that will harm and kill a lot of civilians in the process.

A final thought on this, for this post anyway. All this is happening right at the time that Iran now has or is on the verge of having at least one A-Bomb. This may be a prelude to a war for regime change in Iran, to put an end to this threat. Certainly the Saudis would love it.