Migrant gangs of Venezuelan thugs that have been allowed to come in and raise Hell are about to go there. To Hell, that is. A bunch of them have moved into Aurora, Colorado and taken over a number of apartment buildings there by force and the police of Colorado are doing nothing about it.

So for reasons unknown to me, the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club decided that if the cops aren’t going to protect the people of Aurora, they are, and hundreds, maybe thousands of them are heading to Aurora to kick the Venezuelans out.

They’ll have guns, knives, clubs, chains, blackjacks and no doubt tasers and pepper spray, maybe a few hand grenades and other useful explosives, like sticks of dynamite and probably some pipe bombs, and they’ll use them if they have to and even if they don’t if it looks like a fun moment thing to do.

SO OF COURSE the CIA, FBI and a half dozen other alphabet agencies will be there to confront the Hell’s Angels and harass them, arrest them, maybe shoot a few of them dead, because God Forbid they allow those poor innocent Venezuelan immigrants to be discriminated against.

And if you don’t think the Hell’s Angels will fight back, think again. The CIA and FBI will be hoping they do and will be prepared to kill lots of them as soon as they start, you watch. They sure as hell won’t be there to stop them and the Venezuelans from killing each other, not a chance. They’re going there to kill Hell’s Angels.

I personally hope the Alphabet People screw this totally up, get there a day late or whatever works to keep them out of the picture long enough for the Hell’s Angels MC to do their job. However this goes down, it’s definitely going to be the top story in the evening news soon.