Just spend several hours searching Amazon, Walmart and the other big online retailers for a good recliner chair. It didn’t take long before my personal preference list was shortened to just a few things. Price, seat depth, and decent reviews. That’s because all of them are made overseas now and each and every one is a piece of shoddy shit. If you don’t believe me, go look at reviews for these, yourself.

On Amazon and Walmart you see this line of stars where the reviews are, and most of them have 4 stars or less. 4 stars is what they say is the average of all the reviews. The very ROUGH average. The actual percentage of 5 star reviews runs 50 to 60 percent on pretty much all of them, and the 1 star reviews are 10% or more. A good product should have at least 80% 5 stars and no more than 2% 1 star. If these were all made in the USA, most of them would be rated like that.

Anything under $300 will fall apart in months, and even the ones insanely priced at $1200 and higher still have poor reviews for bad parts, bad construction, this, that and the other failure. They do have good reviews with the bad, it’s the percentage of each that makes the difference on deciding which to buy, and after looking at hundreds of them and reading their claims, I’ve decided not to buy any of them.

Even if I did find one that fit my needs, was priced fairly and had good reviews, there’s always the cancer thing. Every single listing included a warning that “This product has cancer causing chemicals”. How do they get away with selling something to us that can give us cancer? Follow the $$$$$$$$$.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and find a good American made recliner in some used furniture store. Wish me good luck.