Each little spot, square, circle, brown, red, yellow, green, represents a SANCTUARY in the USA where illegals can live and stay without fear of being deported, no matter what terrible crimes they commit, including murder.

Many of these are major cities like San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle. The different colors represent what it is, an entire city, an entire county of cities, and so on. Just refer to the legend in the upper right corner.

Illegal aliens, formerly called “undocumented migrants” and now just called migrants, and soon to be called Citizens, are the pampered guests of our government, given assisted, aided and abetted entry to our nation and preferential treatment over our own poorer citizens.

They’re handed welfare checks, food stamps and a free place to live, given free driver’s licenses and registered to vote, so that they’ll all vote Democrat, and most of them do even though there’s no apparent point to swelling our numbers like this at all except that it helps make it look a little more legitimate when another election is stolen.

Bringing millions of these people in, in such a hurry, is costing our government a fortune and using the excuse that they’re needed to vote Democrat to sway the elections just doesn’t hold water. They already control the elections.

The migrants are forming armed gangs in these sanctuary cities where the US citizens aren’t allowed to carry firearms, either concealed or openly, so they can’t defend themselves when attacked by the gangs and are robbed of their possessions and forced out of their homes. The police won’t come to their aid because they’re forbidden to arrest the migrants.

Allowing this to continue would ultimately end in anarchy and the collapse of the country but I don’t believe it will come to that. I think the real goal of letting our nation decay in this manner is to provide the excuse to create a permanent Martial Law condition, to take over and establish a police state.

Why else bring in millions of unvetted foreigners and allow them free rein to roam the country, feed them, house them, protect them from prosecution, refuse to deport them no matter what they do, prevent the police from arresting them….. You’d have to be an idiot not to see what will come of this.

The story about all those bikers going to Aurora, Colorado to fight a Venezuelan gang may be false. Even if it is, it’s a prophecy of the future.

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