Just saw a video of some piece of shit coal black Haitian so-called IMMIGRANT kill a young cat by biting holes in it and sucking it’s blood out until the poor little animal died. This is a Voodoo thing, these 10-I.Q. inbred fuckwits think they gain power by drinking the blood of living creatures, these things aren’t Human Beings and they’re wiping out all the pets, local livestock, ducks and geese in parks and anything else they can get hold of. They need to be killed before they start in on our babies and small children, BECAUSE THEY WILL.

I’m not posting a link to that video. You can’t unsee it and it’s not a good memory to have.

But follow it up with this one instead: Taylor Swift has just endorsed Kamala Harris, calling herself a “Childless cat lady” and showing this picture of herself and a cat, after the videos appearing on the Internet showing Haitians slaughtering people’s pets. The Internet is going a little nuts right now, the outrage sweeping our nation is almost a feeling in the air itself. I would normally wish no harm to that cat but right now I would dance in the street if some Haitian scum murdered it on a video and the world saw it. Taylor Swift, you stupid, stupid woman.