Again, Putin is waving ICBMs around in an effort to frighten away the threat of getting rewarded for his behavior, as the Biden People (a new breed of semi-human I recently discovered and named) are about to give the okay to Ukraine to start lobbing their US-made long range missiles deep into Russia.

Putin wails that This Isn’t Fair, that only he should be able to use missiles like that, against Ukraine and of course anyone else he wants to blow up, and bluffs that if Ukraine sends NATO’s missiles into Russia, that means that it’s WAR, Eleanor, against all of NATO.

Please excuse my lighthearted take on all this, it’s just that he’s been threatening the world with nukes ever since his 3 day excursion into Ukraine turned into an endless and horribly costly battle for him, and the boy has cried wolf way too many times now.

Of course, the simple reality is that when you invade a nation that has allies, those allies have every right to defend their ally. That’s how it works. When you bomb that nation, they get to bomb you. It doesn’t matter where they get their bombs from, you can’t whine that “It isn’t fair because they didn’t have those bombs” when you invaded. They have them now and they get to use them, and if you even start trotting out your nuke launchers, they will be seen on satellite and bad things will happen very suddenly.

About those satellites, Putin isn’t going to actually use any nukes, he knows better, what he’s threatening to do instead is cut the transatlantic cables that carry Internet traffic. Did I mention Elon Musk’s Starlink system that now has over 6000 Internet satellites in low Earth orbit? No doubt cutting the cables will create some temporary interruptions in Internet traffic, while further enriching Mr. Musk with new subscribers.

Putin is using missiles to attack Ukraine instead of bombers because his bombers got blown out of the sky with the NATO anti-aircraft systems provided to Ukraine and Russia really doesn’t have so many aircraft that they can afford to use up attacking Ukraine with. That’s why it’s all missiles and ground attacks.

The anti-Ukraine propaganda centers mostly around the Nazi invasion in WW2 that drove out the Russian Communists from Ukraine, who were destroying the country. The Germans were seen as heroes for good reason and if some Ukrainians still see the Germans as being better than the Russians today, who could blame them? There are degrees of evil, and how you see them depends on how you were affected.

The US and their NATO allies are happy to keep escalating this war, as the profits from munitions manufacturing keep soaring, while all the damage and deaths happen far away, much of it to a nation that needs a major regime change.

Putin’s alliance with China will be the end of Russia as an independent nation. Once Russia is so weakened that Putin calls on Xi to help him, and he will, the Chinese army hordes will sweep in and never leave and there will be nothing he can do about it.

Remember Globalism? This is about Globalism. The planet is being divided up, between East and West. The next logical step in arriving at a global government is to reduce the number of nations to two. Like the two hemispheres of our brain, these two will find a beneficial balance. I know this because they already have. If you’re not sure about that, where was almost everything in your home made? Where were your clothes made? Your kid’s toys?

There’s only one Constant in life, and that’s Change.