They might be done trying to whack Trump before the election but I doubt it, simply because they’ve put so much effort into killing him, why stop trying now? They might be getting tired of using “contractors”, though, because these efforts not only keep failing, they keep exposing the puppet masters. For instance, there’s some interesting revelations coming out about Ryan Routh, the latest failed assassin, his travels, his weapons inventory. Just like Thomas Crooks, things don’t add up.

One thing that strikes me is all the openly hostile commentary coming out of the mouths of Congressmen, anywhere from “He should be eliminated”, “something must be done about him”, right down to the nitty gritty, straight up, “he should be killed”. Then, after all this mostly illegal rhetoric, golly gee, someone actually tried to kill him, we should tone down our rhetoric, we’re rousing up the lunatics.

No, they’re making excuses in advance of the planned assassination attempts. They’re gulling the public into expecting these attacks and believing they’re by lone nutjobs.

But if they’re going to get the job done right, they may have to bring in the true professionals, no matter how bad it looks. This can’t bother them too much, look at the blatant way they stole the election, closing down the counting in the wee hours of morning, something absolutely unheard of that was never done before, and then opening back up again with a massive vote shift in favor of the guy no one wanted. If they’d do that and get away with it, and they did, they might just simply hit him with a missile or drop a bomb on him from a drone, and worry about the fallout later.

After all, the goal is to get rid of him. They’d rather keep the public outrage to a minimum, but they’re getting away with everything else they do, all they need is a good diversion after the fact, and they really don’t even need that.

Nope, I think trying to finesse his death may be a lost cause that’s about to give way to brute force. If necessary they can just murder all the witnesses, afterward. Time will tell, and there’s not much time left.


Thousands of the latest model of pager have just exploded simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria, all of which were owned exclusively by Hezbollah members, shortly after an assassination attempt by Hezbollah on a former top Israeli security official was thwarted by the Shin Bet Israeli security force.

There are hundreds, possibly a thousand injuries, many of them very serious and some of them critical. The Iranian envoy in Lebanon was hurt and at least one death is reported. A review of tech sites commenting on this shows general agreement that the tiny batteries in these pagers could not have generated the explosions, that this is a “supply chain” attack wherein the explosives and circuit modifications necessary to detonate them would have been inserted prior to delivery to Hezbollah for distribution.

No proof has been offered that Israel was behind this, but every possible finger is being pointed at them as the most likely culprit.

This puts Hezbollah in a serious bind. Now they have no pagers. They’re already afraid to use cell phones, so their ability to maintain communication with each other and coordinate attacks is severely compromised, and will be for some time yet. They’ll have to get new pagers, and they’ll have to open every one of them to make sure they’re not rigged, and what if they explode upon opening? That would be a logical move.

It’s one thing to terrorize people by shooting rockets at them. It’s another thing entirely to terrorize them by exploding their most trusted devices, that they rely upon more than any other, and cause them great harm. This is true terror, this is creating paranoia that strikes deep into the heart, all those who have suffered from these blasts and survived will fear to ever put a pager or any other comm device next to their head again and they’d be right to do so.

This would make me not want to be a member of Hezbollah anymore. The injured certainly have an excuse to bow out. There’s a video up of a man in a marketplace with a heavy looking bag on a strap, hanging by his right hip. BANG, the pager blows up, the bag blows apart, pieces of paper fly through the air and the man falls down and lays there, screaming and screaming.

Now imagine you’re holding your pager in your hand when it does that. You won’t own that hand anymore.

This was a master stroke and it may not stop those in Lebanon from continuing to scheme on ways to harm Israel, but it should sure give them pause because now they know that nothing is safe. Anything they do to communicate with each other is probably compromised, could possibly kill them. No wonder the Israelis are so confident of winning a war against them.


The ladder:

A ladder was placed at the back of the building that the young wanna-be assassin used to climb on top of it to shoot Pres. Trump. Before he was shot and killed, the ladder disappeared. The story is that he bought a ladder at Home Depot the day before, so if that’s true, then we know who put that ladder there. but we don’t know who took it away. What’s certain is that it was placed there for his use and then removed, because some local police tried to see on top of the building while he was still there, and there was no way to climb up. The ladder was gone, and he was still up there.

The Snakes:

Someone is hissing secrets. Trumps golfing outing was a last-minute decision, but it wasn’t long before another wanna-be assassin, Ryan Routh, was hiding in the bushes waiting for a chance to shoot him. Who tipped him off?

Who shot at Routh first? The Secret Service did but missed and they also shot Thomas Crooks, the chump who was on the roof, or so we’re told, though I’m long past taking anything from the media or government at their word. But if this is true, and the Secret Service has a record of loyalty to the job, then it does look like the snakes are Homeland Security and the FBI.

I keep saying that they’re going to kill him, not that I want them to, I certainly don’t, but the Leftists themselves keep saying “kill him”, in those words. How can we not take them seriously? This latest attempt was by another obvious amateur, just like the last guy was. He had a scope but it wasn’t mounted on his rifle, maybe he just used it for identifying his target but he was 300-500 yards away from Trump and hitting a target with open sights at that distance would be an incredible feat for the best of marksmen. He fired four shots, all missed hitting anyone and I figure he took the chance to shoot then because it didn’t look like he would be able to get any closer.

Both of these efforts to shoot Trump reek of connivance. They didn’t act alone, they both had outside help. They both appear to be acting on their own but clearly are not, and my conclusion is that they’re being drawn from a long FBI list of radicals and fanatics scattered across the country. Using a local nutjob makes it look a lot more spontaneous than if they have to bring people in from far off. Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby are great examples of exactly this.

I doubt Mr. Routh has much longer to live. Certainly no interview of him has been made public and I’ll be amazed if one is allowed because he’s not going to be trusted to keep to the script that he acted alone.

The question now is, what will they try next to eliminate Donald Trump? A bomb? A car crash? Poison? I don’t think they’re done trying and they have only a few months left to do it in.