My blood pressure is creeping up, especially since I gained a few pounds and I’m now at Stage 2 hypertension for high blood pressure. That’s when you become vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes, so now I’m going to have to stop enjoying life so much and start losing weight instead. I’m not a large person to begin with so losing 7 or 8 pounds would make a big difference and bring things back down to a tolerable range.

The recommended ways of lowering blood pressure are exercise and diet. I don’t smoke or drink alcohol, so those aren’t a problem, it’s the exercise part.

The problem I have with that is being 85 years old now and not the high-energy person of my very active youth, so the easiest way for me to lose weight is to eat a lot less and take vitamins to make sure I’m still getting enough nutrition to stay healthy, and the problem with THAT is that I do enjoy eating good food.

But if I want to at least live to 90, and I do, then suffer I must. That’s the problem with staying alive, there’s always new reasons why we have to work at it.

2 thoughts on “PERSONALLY SPEAKING…”

    1. I’m not suffering but thanks anyway for your concern. You don’t suffer from high blood pressure, you don’t even know you have it unless you test for it. It’s just not good to have, that’s all. It causes bad things. The suffering I was talking about is needing to stop eating as much and lose some weight. I do like to eat, we all do. So now I’ve decided to eat less and lose the extra weight, oh poor me. 🙂

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