It just happens far too often to be racism, when the same type of event keeps occurring involving the same race.

Looking through the news this morning, I first came across an interview between a white man and a white-hating black woman, and he was asking her her views on what was wrong with white people and she had plenty of nasty bile to spew out in response. She isn’t the first black person I’ve heard openly express their hatred of white people simply for being white.

Being racist is not necessarily a wrong attitude. It depends on whether it’s hateful or just realistic, because there are plenty of racial differences between us all, and the one I’m talking about here is the tendency of blacks to act without thinking of future consequences. So many of them only seem able to deal with Right Now, and what they want or are doing Right Now. Blacks generally lack impulse control.

For example, this article appeared in the news this morning about a 12 year old girl who was fighting with her 8 year old cousin over an Iphone, so while the 8 year old was sleeping, the older one smothered her to death and took the phone. I thought, they must be black, and they are.

Blacks of almost any age from very young on up engage in senseless, selfish acts of violence without any thought to what might happen later. In this case, the 12 year old girl is charged as an adult with first degree murder. For an Iphone. Blacks commit over 90% of all violent crime in the USA and most of it is impulsive. This is a racial trait. Yes, people of other races do these things too, but when 12% of a population does 90% percent of them, you take notice.

The people of Central and South America are generally more violent than whites and Orientals, that is, Asians like the Chinese and Japanese, who tend to be more methodical and industrious than other races. The Japanese have the highest I.Q.s, the bushmen of Australia and Africa have the lowest I.Q.s.

My point in writing this is that racial differences are real and talking about them is not racist. Hating a race is racist, but even then, being abused by people of a different race because of your race is good reason to develop a hatred for those people or at least a negative attitude, a racist attitude.

None of us are pure and we all have our reasons for the way we feel, including that black woman who was being interviewed about her hatred of whites. Whether those reasons are valid or not is not the issue here. What is, is that racial differences are a fact of life and we should stop pretending they’re not.