Yesterday I posted on how stupid Mexicans are, and today I have more proof of that. Of course, they’re not alone in this, France, Italy and Spain have just been joined by Mexico in declaring their stupidity.

I’m saying this because Mexico’s newly elected president, a woman of Jewish descent, has come out denouncing Israel for defending themselves against the Muslim terrorists who attack them. That’s right, she’s a female Bernie Sanders Leftist Commie type and right at home in Mexico with this attitude because Mexico officially never liked Jews much.

Why is this stupid? Well, look around at all the countries that are turning against Israel. The UN is packed with rich Muslims who’ve taken over a lot of internal UN offices and committees, like UNIFIL which is the supposed peacekeeper people charged with keeping Hezbollah from attacking Israel and have done ZERO to accomplish this, over decades, and UNWRA in Gaza that was supposed to just help make sure the Muslim citizens were getting their supplies and instead they were aiding and abetting Hamas in attacking and killing Israelis.

What do you think will happen if a bunch of these countries all start actually physically attacking Israel, and tiny Israel becomes overwhelmed by forces too large to counter? I read their blogs, their newspapers, and they make clear that they will not go “peacefully into the night”. They have nukes and the means to deliver them and I have no doubt they will use them rather than be wiped out.

That’s why these nations leaders are stupid. They ignore reality. The more they array themselves against Israel, the closer they approach to becoming part of a radioactive cloud of hot gasses.

Putin waves his nuclear arsenal at everyone and threatens the world. Israel doesn’t say a word about nuclear weapons and doesn’t threaten anyone, but look what happens when they’re attacked. They go all out and they’re amazingly good at waging war, if you’ve been paying attention.

Every once in awhile I post on this. If it weren’t for Islam’s insane doctrines, antisemitism would never be more than a short little column on the back page, but the constant screaming of the Muslims inspires the jerks and malcontents always among us to join them. Next thing you know, they’re blocking highways and marching on the mayor’s office and it all grows in volume.

The world needs to remember that Israel is not defenseless. It would only take two or three atomic bombs to send a lot of countries back to the stone age. One apiece for the Emirates, perhaps three each for Iran and Turkey. One on Mexico City would do for them, their military isn’t much more advanced than donkey carts, rowboats and biplanes. Qatar (rhymes with gutter), half a nuke.

Let’s not get on the Anti-Israel bandwagon. You don’t have to like those people to not want a global nuclear conflict erupting. Just don’t help make things any worse than they already are.

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