On the fifth Starship launch, the booster rocket returned to Earth and landed in a very special way. It was guided down in it’s descent, to the launch gantry and then slid very nicely and neatly into place, and stopped. Caught by the gantry. Hanging there by whatever holds it at the top of the rocket.
This is rocketry HISTORY! It amazed us all when rockets were being landed on small floating platforms, but THIS is beyond even that. This ability to fly the rocket like a drone helicopter is a technological advance that is vital in ensuring safe landings on the Moon and Mars.
No more bouncing inflated balls with Mars Rovers inside, now we have rocket landings just like the sci-fi movies and it’s amazing. Space X has done the seemingly impossible.

Kamala Is An Idiot
Paul Joseph Watson
I guess she’s smart enough to be a good prosecutor in a courtroom, but when it comes to speaking to the people she has to get drunk first and act like a fucking idiot. She doesn’t cackle like a chicken or say crap that makes no sense at all when she’s sober. She’s alcoholic, a lush, and that’s the quality of trash, including that POS Walz they’re offering to the American publi. Those two are so obviously just puppets and unqualified to run this country it’s insulting.