The Saudis are building a Mega-City, maybe several of them, atop the sand dues of that massive desert, with the money that oil has brought them over the many decades.

But of all the big projects that have been started or are about to be, the one that stands out is a monstrously huge, square cube of a building that looks like it’s going to have the same basic dimensions, only vastly inflated, of their most sacred (to them) structure in the country, which is the Qaaba, aka Kaaba, a black cube shaped eyesore in Mecca that’s claimed to hold a large black stone with the imprint of Moses’ footprint in it. It’s actually a large meteorite but you can’t tell that to these crazy people.

It’s said to be so large that 20 Empire State Buildings could fit inside it. Here’s a link to the official Saudi video of the future building. The hype on it is that it will be an electronic marvel, with massive interior and exterior visual displays, and every modern thing you, I and 10,000 monkeys pounding on typewriters can imagine.

The goal here is to turn Saudi Arabia into the best place to live on Earth and they’re spending $Trillions to do it.

It’s a desert. I’ve been there. It’s hot as Hell, and these people are rabid Muslims, they’re Wahabbist Sunnis, the harshest, most religiously dogmatic people on the planet. If you bring a Bible onto Saudi soil and they find it, you will be put to death. These are the people whose Religious Police forced a bunch of young girls to stay inside their burning school and die because they couldn’t reach their head scarves and weren’t allowed outside without their heads being covered. These are the people whose King had one of his daughters and her lover’s heads chopped off for having sex without being married.

This is where many of the small children that keep disappearing end up, as child sex slaves. The Saudis are one of the worst in the world for perpetuating slavery at all ages and this is where they want rich people from all over the world to come and live. What a great source of fresh young, little slaves. They won’t have to import child slaves anymore, they can just abduct what they want from the millions of Europeans who were stupid enough to move there.

Oh, but it’s going to be such a Brave New World.

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