Vlad Putin has just imported at least 11,00o North Korean soldiers to help him fight the Ukrainians who have taken over about 400 square miles of Russian territory. Possibly more N. Koreans are on their way to Russia as well.

This has alarmed and upset NATO, which naturally sees bringing in foreign troops to Europe as a danger to the rest of Europe, as well as most other European nations, and they’re all talking now about intervening and sending in troops of their own.

What nobody wants to discuss is that the US has had “Military Advisors” in Ukraine for quite a while now, and while Google won’t tell me specifically who else has troops in Ukraine, or how many, it’s at least clear that other nations do have combatants in Ukraine. This could well be Putin’s excuse for bringing in all those North Koreans.

This also has to be greatly embarrassing for Putin, to have to import troops to fight Ukraine and deep into Russian territory as well. It’s an open statement that Russia is incapable of even defending their homeland, their own soil, against a much smaller country like Ukraine.

Of course, Ukraine’s getting a lot of help but it’s almost entirely just Ukrainians doing the fighting. Almost, because a few outside people have joined the fight, just for clarity.

While everyone is focused now on Israel’s battles and involved outside parties are fear-mongering that this could involve the whole Mideast in war and start World War 3, the real threat of a world war is growing where it historically has before, in Europe.

That’s because the only big source of revenue in the Mideast is oil and plenty of other nations have oil. No nation is going to chance being wiped out over oil in an area of the planet that’s almost all desert. It’s the great population centers and their breadbasket farmlands so coveted by their neighbors that nations will fight over. Like Ukraine’s wheat fields, for instance.

The great wars for global conquest are over and done with. The Chinese won’t engage in a world war, it’s not their style, which is steady encroachment. They don’t care if it takes hundreds of years, they intend to gobble up their neighbors one slow, savory bite at a time, and if another massive war did start up, they might make a move on Taiwan and a few outer islands but probably wouldn’t risk further aggression and get sucked into the overall conflict.

While all eyes are on Israel and Iran, right now would be the perfect time for the US, Britain and France to send in a bunch of troops to Ukraine to fight the N. Koreans. Who knows? It might inspire S. Korea to invade the North, if China signaled sufficient reticence to aid their horrible little slave-state ally.

What all this is really about, is the effort to keep China in check. Russia, China and their allies form one half of the evolution toward a global state, while the US and most of Europe, and their allies, form the other half. Defeating Russia would diminish China’s position. Eventually they’ll reconcile their differences but for right now and the foreseeable future, jockeying for position will remain the major play.