Bill Gates is at it again. “In a startling revelation, scientists have successfully created a mosquito that injects humans with a genetically engineered, malaria-casing parasite that travels to the liver where it infects red blood cells.” That’s right, he funded the creation of a whole new form of vaccination, by infecting modified mosquitos with modified parasites.
These mosquitos then bit human test subjects to see how well their little parasites did at dying before they could give malaria to the test subject. The answer is “not very well”. Many of the subjects got malaria. I assume that these tests were carried out in Africa, where Gates finds cheaply hired test subjects who have no idea what’s about to be done to them and where he’s said to have killed thousands of children with his vaccination tests.
He’s also developed, and continuing to develop, vaccines that are in food. You eat it, you got it, whether you want it or are even aware that you’re getting it, and right now he’s working on a Bird Flu vaccine to counter a new and deadly Bird Flu epidemic that doesn’t exist. Yet.
The article linked above described a serious lack of safety protocols for both the test subjects and long-term followups. So as usual, or so it appears to me, Gates researchers continue to do sloppy, dangerous research that ultimately will endanger us all.
Vaccines are no longer trusted since the Covid debacle and the huge increase in child autism because of the mercury also being injected. Our children are being injected with impure, polluted and very harmful substances, we know it, and the result is parents refusing to let their kids be vaccinated. The result of that, of course, is the government mandating vaccines for public school attendance, and parents responding by either finding alternative schooling or just refusing to send the kids to school.
Vaccines are no longer our friends, and government never was. As Pres. Ronald Reagan once said, the scariest nine words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.