Since today is the Day Before the Day Before, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss something happy and uplifting, like mass extinctions.
The more I read about the hates and rivalries in our world and especially between all the Muslims (though the Christians and other faiths are no slouches either), the more I understand the need for, and Globalist goal of, paring our global population down to no more than a half-billion people. Even that 500 million may be too many.
I was just reading up on the current situation in Syria, and all the murderous rivalries in that small nation, and their relationships to neighboring Islamic nations, their historic connections and tribal connections and family connections and on and on. These people are like the Hatfields and McCoys, only their feuds span many centuries instead of just a few decades, they’re deep and unforgiving, their hates are part of their DNA, and the only way to ever end them is to wipe them all out.
Inevitably, to have a successfully functioning global government, only the more intelligent and useful among us can be allowed to live. It’s a simple truth. A global government will be all-powerful. To maintain this half-billion population level, it will control who lives and who doesn’t and millions of stupid, inbred, violent fanatics won’t be part of the future. No more Islam.
More Happy News here (there’s always a silver lining) is that one result of this culling of humanity will be a serious increase in the average IQ. We will finally stop breeding the bright with the dull, the dull will be gone and our evolution will take another leap upwards. Plus wars will have ended along with poverty, disease will be wiped out and our planet will start regaining at least some of the beauty we’ve trashed. The world will be a much better place with a lot less of us in it. So Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas, and may all you Muslims cease to exist As Soon As Possible.
Santa buggering that poor little reindeer again! Anyhoo, happy Xmouse Mr Sheep, and to you Ernesto.
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas, Sir!