The war between East and West is heating up. Soon to be president Donald Trump posted this on X today: “The Tariffs, and Tariffs alone, created this vast wealth for our Country. Then we switched over to Income Tax. We were never so wealthy as during this period. Tariffs will pay off our debt and, MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN!”
Trump is a Capitalist, always has been, that’s why he’s a billionaire, and increasing tariffs will impede our international trade, not enhance it. This is not Capitalism, but it is Globalism. When it costs more for makers of foreign goods to sell here, they will sell us less and charge us more, forcing us to make those goods ourselves as we used to, forcing us to once again become producers that sell to the world.
This has a lot to do with the modernization of much of the world, because we led the way. We were the shining example of an industrious people. If we’re to have a successful Global government, then everyone has to have a good work ethic again.
And if the West is to succeed over China in forming Earth’s Global Government without resorting to an actual fighting war to do it, then it’s tariffs that will pave the road to success.
As I posted recently, not all those illegal aliens are going to be deported, just the gangsters, as part of a campaign to destroy the drug cartels and bring Mexico out of Second or Third World status. That’s because we need those who are willing to work, as our industries start up again. Prosperity for all is a Globalist goal. Just this morning, our government blocked a pending sale of the U.S. Steel Co. to Japan. We’re keeping it and putting people back to work making steel products.
People like Klaus Schwab say that “You will own nothing and be happy” because they envision a world where the State owns everything, and this view isn’t universally shared. It may never happen, either, and if it does, that’s far, far into the future. What matters right now is that China not be allowed to dominate the world and turn everyone into owned property of the State. That and reducing an excessive population that’s wrecking the ecology of our planet.
This is the shift that’s happened in our government, it’s why this presidential election wasn’t stolen, and why Trump was allowed to be the spokesman for this changed direction. We do have a Uniparty, they do work together, and they don’t want to see the world fall into decay any more than you or I do. Power struggles always go on within governments and ours is no exception. We may never know what really went on, but the power has now shifted away from the Communists and to the Globalists. I just hope it stays that way.
About patriotism. Patriotism is bullshit. I realized as a child that its purpose was to get foolish people to go fight and die in wars they had nothing to do with starting, usually because their government rulers or leaders wanted to conquer some other people or just saw a way to get richer over our dead bodies. Wars will end when we stop having separate countries.