War between the US and the Mexican drug cartels is erupting right now. Our military will soon be deep into Mexico, blowing away the cartels. Entertainment at it’s finest, who needs Vietnam when we have Mexico?
Month: January 2025
I’m observing the changes with total fascination. Something big has taken place that we may never know all the truth about, but it’s world-shaking.
It’s long been obvious that it isn’t the people we know who shape our destinies, it’s the one’s behind the scenes. It isn’t the Obamas or Putins who mold the course of humanity, they’re the one’s following the orders of those who do.
You can take that or leave it. What you do have to agree to is that there’s a sudden shift happening in the global balance of power, away from China and toward the USA and the West. Look at current events:
The mass immigration into the US has been halted, thousands of troops are being sent to the southern border to stop them and deportations have begun. War has been declared on the Mexican cartels with talk of invading Mexico. The US has begun seeking unification with Greenland and Canada, Mexico is sure to be next and the US intends to take back the Panama Canal. The US has withdrawn from the Paris Accords, which enabled China’s economy at US expense. The Gulf of Mexico has been renamed the Gulf of America in a direct statement to Mexico that the honeymoon is over.
The Transgender movement appears to be nearly dead already, men are now prohibited from engaging in women’s sports events, “transgender” male criminals must now go to men’s prisons and the Federal government now recognizes only male and female genders and no others. Say adios to all those rainbow banners.
There’s more, a lot more, and what this looks like to me is an experiment that has ended. For a long time, the world has cosied up to China and China has had the lead for world dominance. China was given Favored status, allowed to burn massive amounts of coal to support and grow their industry while everyone else was penalized for it and the US coal mining industry was shut down “because of Global Warming”.
There’s been plenty of warning signs long before the recent US election that China’s popularity was waning, the MSM videos of China’s empty new cities, the negative press on their expansionism and their conflicts with their neighbors, and so on. I suspect that China’s been ousted as the future basis of world government because of a lack of cooperation. The Chinese are just too dead-set on ruling the world by themselves.
The experiment seems to be over, the effort to bring homosexuality into society as part of normal life has gone as far as it can, with the “trans” effort becoming a disaster because the great increase of pedophilia associated with it is rebounding back against the homosexual population and endangers acceptance of it.
The massive immigration has adversely affected inflation and prosperity, which then adversely affects the rest of the world including China. While the inflation rate has slowed back down, my personal view is that prosperity will not really come back until our manufacturing does, which will put more people back to work, and that will need tariffs on imported goods to make ours more competitive.
What we can probably look forward to now is the unification of the N. American continent along with much of Central America up to at least Nicaragua, eventually, while the division between East and West continues to grow because of China. I expect that the powers that be will be adequate to bring China to heel, however.
Halting the immigration and reversing some of it may help reduce housing inflation but will probably adversely affect food prices, since there will probably be a war with Mexico that limits fresh produce imports. Tariffs and reduced Chinese imports will increase prices on a lot of hard goods until US manufacturing resumes and gets up to speed.
Lands that have been closed to mining will open, creating new jobs and cheaper raw materials, along with more independence from China. This is the reason for the push to control Greenland and form an economic alliance with Canada. Both have great mineral wealth. Incidentally, so does Mexico.
Mexico can become the new North American breadbasket for fresh produce and meat once the cartels are wiped out and the government brought into the communal fold.
This is the meaning of Donald Trump’s re-election. I think so, anyway. He’s to be the hero who brings about the unification of the N. American continent, this is why he was allowed to be re-elected and why it was taken from him before, the experiment wasn’t nearly done, it had to run it’s course and China had to be dealt with.
Now the stage is set. The world will not be unified under China’s rules. China won’t give up easily, their “Long March” toward world domination has grown a long beard on it. But the future looks very interesting, and very promising now for humanity.
It’s all over the news media, Leftist big-name billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos hanging out with Trump, partying with him and Musk at Mar A Lago, and the media itself, taking his side on things or at least, not attacking him anymore.
And everyone says, “Wow, look how the Left is moving to the Right.
And no one says, “Wow, look, Trump has moved to the Left.
The sun never rises. It is the Earth that turns. Keep the big picture always in view.
Some time ago, Los Angeles County approved plans to build a new Smart City. The SmartLA 2028 initiative originated from the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) Smart City Committee, which was formed in 2019.
Two months ago, Los Angeles County took the 117 million gallon water reservoir that protected Pacific Palisades out of service for “maintenance”, and it was empty when the fire broke out.
Two months ago, Los Angeles County home insurers stopped providing fire insurance.
Seven months ago the mayor of Los Angeles cut the Fire Department budget by $17.5 Million. Now hundreds of fire trucks, ambulances and repair and supply vehicles are parked in a repair yard instead of being in service because there’s no money to repair them.
Now lots of land has been cleared by fire, lots of land to build a Smart City on.
Every time a big fire breaks out, the loony arsonists come out from under their rocks and add to the chaos by starting more fires. They can be counted on to do this, I’ve seen it for myself, living in an area that suffers from frequent brush fires.
If you want to clear out a large and aging populated area so it can be rebuilt into a new, ultra modern city, nothing works better or faster than fire, and many of those homes and commercial buildings were built a full century ago.
Then there’s the vast fortunes to be made with new construction and the much higher taxes that will be levied on the expensive new homes. California has a law that a home can’t be taxed more than 1% of the purchase price, until it is sold again. Brand new homes will create a new and higher tax base.
There does come a time to stop saying “Conspiracy theory” and accept the conspiracy as a fact.
Watching the fires burning down from the Hollywood Hills all the way down to the ocean, burning down everything ever built, on the hills, in the valleys, miles and miles of forested land that used to be home only to forest animals, now is home to nothing.
The reason is that people cut down areas of forest to build houses. Hundreds of thousands of people, in hundreds of thousands of houses, on hundreds of thousands of acres, on every flat spot they could find or create with an earth mover.
Then they complained when mountain lions and coyotes ate their pet dogs and cats and bears invaded their homes and ripped up their garbage cans and gardens, seeking the food that used to grow where those houses now stand. Now there’s no bears, mountain lions or coyotes, many of the pets have burned to death and the gardens are gone with the houses. But look on the bright side, there’s no wild animals to complain about anymore.
These people all wanted to live surrounded by the beauty of nature, so they ripped out big holes in those natural surroundings to stick their houses into, and left all the trees and brush standing on the sharp ridge peaks and places they couldn’t built on, and then high winds came along which tore down the power lines to their expensive homes, and those sent arcs of electricity into the ground, and set fire to the dry grass and brush.
Now the beauty of nature is gone along with the homes and power lines and everything else.
This is the result of greed, ignorance, stupidity, laziness, corruption, trust in authority, incompetence…. everything that makes city living and human governance a disaster no matter where on Earth it is.
Humans are stupid. They breed without thought to the consequences. Then they build where they could never live if they were dependent for their survival on the bounty of nature. Then they sob and lament when fires, floods, landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis destroy their homes and wipe out their populations, even as they decry the loss of another animal species through extinction at the hand of man.
Yeah, I’m one of those people. I don’t like my species very much because unlike most of them, I’m intelligent enough to realize just how bad we are at taking care of our planet. We don’t take care of our planet. We try, we give it lip service, Save The Whales, Save The Baby Harp Seals, we document the massive amount of plastic trash in the ocean, how awful it is, and do nothing about it.
So, NO, I don’t feel sorry for any of them. I live in a fire danger area too, I’ve had to evacuate my home twice in the past 12 years of living here and may live to see it burn down yet. That’s just how it is. No place is really safe but all the safest places cost far too much for me to afford, and if my home burns down, I’ll come back after the fire and build a new home. One thing I won’t do is cry about it, and I’m not going to kill myself to lessen the population problem. What I have done and will continue to do is point out that we have a population problem.
Because if enough people whisper, the sound becomes a roar and gets heard.
Looking at an aerial map of the fires going on in Southern California, it’s obvious that they’re being deliberately set. The first one may have been the result of wind damage to power lines, but not the rest, which are far apart from each other and evenly spaced.
More fires are springing up all over the place, and people are getting caught setting them. Foreign people, and I bet they’re mostly illegal aliens. We do have our home-grown firebugs but normally only a few will get triggered by a forest fire and start setting more fires. This time there’s lots of them setting lots of fires and this may be what we were warned about. That these people were sent here to deliberately attack us any way they can.
Here’s a video taken in Los Angeles of an arsonist with a blowtorch and other fire making materials being caught by citizens and arrested.
America is no stranger to acts of terrorism, great and small, and it doesn’t take much to commit a big act in a forest. Just one match will do the job when the wind starts blowing.
Elon Musk is a businessman. Businesses profit from population increases and lose money when the population declines. This is simple math, the more people there are buying a product, the more profit is made from that product.
This is why Elon keeps urging people to have more children despite the obvious fact that our population is already excessive and is causing the increasing pollution of Earth and the decreasing natural habitat that we keep taking away more of from the animals by building on it.
Then people find bears in their front yards, mountain lions eating their children and pets and wonder why they’re not protected from floods, forest fires and mudslides. Blame Elon, it’s his idea to have more babies.
He wants us to have a big, thriving Mars colony, he says it’s necessary to save Mankind, he just never actually says WHY it is. I know why, it doesn’t take Einstein to see that we may use up and pollute the Earth to the point that we need to get off it to survive as a species, and Elon is just nudging us along that path a little faster, to help ensure that his childhood dream of colonizing Mars becomes reality.
I do like the plan to colonize Mars. But the fact that Elon is insane is just a bit unsettling.

This Illegal Asshole, Sebastion Zapeta, from Guatemala, was deported previously for unstated crimes and came back in to commit more. This time around he set a sleeping woman in a New York City subway car ON FIRE, then fanned the flames with a shirt before sitting on a platform bench and watching as she burned to death.
He has pleaded Not Guilty, saying he was too drunk to remember it, even thought he admits that all the surveillance videos of this crime show him doing it. But drunkenness is no excuse to commit murder under the law and he’s most likely going to be sentenced to life in prison.
If he ends up in a prison where the inmates can purchase Ronsonal lighter fluid, I hope he gets the Crispy Critter treatment and finds out what it feels like to burn to death.
HEADLINE: “Canada, the Panama Canal and Now Greenland. What’s Behind Trump’s Expansionist Rhetoric?”
People are asking what’s up with Trump saying the US might take back the Panama Canal to keep it out of China’s hands, buy Greenland from Denmark for the same reason, and unite Canada’s government with our own on some level. The reasons given are that Panama is ripping the US off with excessive passage charges, Canada is claimed to be ripping the US off for $100 billion in trade and that the US needs to own Greenland to protect national security.
At the same time, Mexico is under threat from the US now to clean up their act and threatened with severe tariffs.
What’s up isn’t Trump trying to expand the USA, it’s the Globalists gathering forces to push back the expansionist Chinese. It’s very simple. It’s like the game of Monopoly, eventually one player gains so much property that no one else has a chance to win, any longer.
This game is called Global Dominion. Who are the players? I don’t know. I do know that they aren’t Trump, Trudeau and the other various presidents and prime ministers. Those people are the front men, the ones who carry out the orders given to them by the players. What I do know is that the players have come to an agreement on how this game is going to be played and that’s why we see these things happening now.
Starting with this one. “After initially saying NO to receiving deported illegals, the President of Mexico just suddenly announced that she will allow President Trump to use Mexico as a deportation hub, even for non-Mexican migrants. “We will receive them here. We are going to receive them properly, and we have a plan.”
She did this because of the threat to use our military to go after the cartels and it’s the cartels that control most of Mexico now. Now that she’s capitulated, we’ll be sending back all the undesirables, the Mexican gang bangers and many other criminals from other countries. Mexico can then send them on to where they came from and we will probably cover most of the expense of that. Maybe. It remains to be seen. I’ll say it again that the threat to deport illegals by the millions is an empty one, it’s not going to happen. Just the bad ones, the rest will stay.
Our government wants to end the drug traffic. This is one reason big tariffs are being put on China, to stop all the Fentanyl they’re shipping into the US disguised as ordinary mail that’s doing us so much damage.
When the drugs from Mexico stop, the cartels will collapse, but not before they try to take over everything else, at which point the president of Mexico will either ask the US for help or we will intervene militarily without being asked. Either way, Mexico is going to be dragged into the future whether the corrupt government and the cartels want it or not.