I hate passwords, they’re more than a nuisance, they’re a Pain In The Ass. We’ve all been warned repeatedly that we should not use just one password for everything, and we should change our passwords frequently. If we do this, it’s not long before we have passwords for thirty different sites from our banking and credit cards to the people we buy from and sell to, passwords for email, for Paypal, Amazon, Joe’s Fish Market, Poopies Pizza, Tomaso’s Tacos, four grocery stores, three insurance companies, two government agencies and a partridge in a pear tree AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
The only thing that makes sense is to have one strong password, which we’re told never to do, because if someone hacks it, they can then take away everything we have and take over our lives. This is one of the Benefits and Great Joys of the Internet, that your money is no longer safe in the local bank.
We all forget passwords, there’s just too damned many of them. I keep a list but the list is always changing whether I want it to or not. I live alone so unless someone breaks in and finds the list, my passwords are sort of, kind of safe, more or less, but not everyone does and passwords get stolen all the time when we’re not forgetting what they are anyway.
Then there’s this fun one: The window that pops up and says Forget your password? So you click on that and it says “We sent a reset code to your email” and they have an old, dead email address you quit using three years ago. NOW you have to get on the phone and talk to someone in Sri Lanka or New Delhi to try and get into your account, and it will take at least 3 phone calls and 2 hours of your time before you finally succeed, if you haven’t smashed your phone to bits before then, in frustrated rage.
There should be the Death Penalty for hacking. I’m serious. People who play evil games for personal gain on the Internet should be publicly flogged to death. This crap might not end entirely but it would be down to a whisper, like the Bubonic Plague, a good comparison.
And PINS. Oh god let’s not forget Pins. Everyone wants you to have not just a Password but also a Pin of 4 to 6 numbers, that often THEY assign and every one is different. I remember when my bank told me I had to have a Pin on top of my Password and how strongly I rebelled and refused, years ago. But to no avail. So of course I promptly forgot it and had to go through thirty minutes of proving my identity the next time I contacted my bank online.
Yep, Death Penalty. Until some genius coder figures out how to do away with Evil Passwords, we should just brutally slaughter the scum who make us need the damn things. Children steal but by adulthood there’s no excuse. Time to make the world a better place.