There will be a lot more launches of Elon’s Starships this year and an attempt, at least, to land one on the Moon before year’s end.
Canada’s government will fall and a new alliance will be made with the US making us more economically united. Mexico will be forced to choose between the drug cartels and prosperity, as the cartels are both taking over the government and destroying the country, and the US is about to launch a full-on war with the cartels because they’re interfering so badly now with corporate profits.
Also, the US is dependent on Mexico for much of it’s fresh produce in winter, which Mexico will plan to use against the US, but when the drug traffic is stopped along with the flow of money, the cartels will lose their power and the government will have no choice but to join in the fight against them. A lot of Mexican blood will flow before this is over.
Trump will announce various intentions, such as deporting millions of illegals and sealing the border with Mexico and getting our oil and gas production up again, along with intentions already announced, tariffs on China, Mexico etc..
These pronouncements are all just for public consumption, the reality will be different. Inflation will increase, immigration will slow because the USA is becoming a less desirable country to live in, except for skilled foreign workers, who will increase, the increase in oil and gas production will be exported for corporate profit rather than used to lower prices in the US, the digitization of currency will continue and less and less retail outlets will accept cash.
The tariffs on China will happen and there will be a tariff war with them. The West, being N. America and most of Western Europe, will join in an economic war against China to halt their aggressive expansionism. This means a shortage of their goods for us. China is already working to cut off the West’s supply of rare earths we use in batteries, industry and in military applications, while we’re busy developing new discoveries at home. It’s already a race to self-sufficiency.
There will be an internal war in the USA within the government because the CIA and FBI have been taken over by Chinese agents who have in turn brought in tens of thousands more Chinese saboteurs. The Globalists want them out and while the public will be told it’s all just politics, there will be assassinations, missing people, misinformation, non-information and lots of lies.
Governmental control over our lives will increase. Global society is going to become more divided, especially in the more-developed nations, into two basic classes, those engaged in some form of technical or scientific employment, and everyone else. Put plainly, the geeks are becoming the Elite of the working class.
Earth’s population is going to start diminishing. It’s peaked, and now will decrease and continue to decrease rapidly, primarily due to decreased childbirth but also because of an increase in deaths from all causes including starvation. World hunger will increase.
Earth’s weather is also changing and becoming more violent, and this has a direct effect on crops. There will be massive crop failures and nations that have to import food to keep their populations fed will see starvation. The hungry will rush toward their neighbor’s larders and local wars will break out at their borders.
Summing up, worsening weather, less food, more government, higher costs, but decreasing population which eventually will help free up the food supply, lower inflation and decrease migration. The pendulum swings.
Sir, about the past: what’s your opinion about Jimmy Carter?
I have a mixed view of his term as president. When ayatollah Khomeini had his thugs take our embassy people hostage, Carter had a rescue effort launched with a bunch of helicopters that turned into a disastrous failure, instead of declaring all out war on Iran. Our people were left in the hands of terrorists for 444 days until Reagan became president, then they were released. Our embassy people might have been murdered outright if we’d gone to war with Iran but our national honor would not have been dragged through the mud. By leaving them there, it was. Carter was intensely involved in negotiations with the Iranians and using tariffs and other pressure, but none of it worked. So, to me, his was a failed presidency by a weak president. I’m not that great on Reagan, either, once those people were safely home he should have landed on Iran like a ton of hog shit and ended that nasty little Muslim regime right then, and he didn’t do squat.