Some time ago, Los Angeles County approved plans to build a new Smart City. The SmartLA 2028 initiative originated from the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) Smart City Committee, which was formed in 2019.

Two months ago, Los Angeles County took the 117 million gallon water reservoir that protected Pacific Palisades out of service for “maintenance”, and it was empty when the fire broke out.

Two months ago, Los Angeles County home insurers stopped providing fire insurance.

Seven months ago the mayor of Los Angeles cut the Fire Department budget by $17.5 Million. Now hundreds of fire trucks, ambulances and repair and supply vehicles are parked in a repair yard instead of being in service because there’s no money to repair them.

Now lots of land has been cleared by fire, lots of land to build a Smart City on.

Every time a big fire breaks out, the loony arsonists come out from under their rocks and add to the chaos by starting more fires. They can be counted on to do this, I’ve seen it for myself, living in an area that suffers from frequent brush fires.

If you want to clear out a large and aging populated area so it can be rebuilt into a new, ultra modern city, nothing works better or faster than fire, and many of those homes and commercial buildings were built a full century ago.

Then there’s the vast fortunes to be made with new construction and the much higher taxes that will be levied on the expensive new homes. California has a law that a home can’t be taxed more than 1% of the purchase price, until it is sold again. Brand new homes will create a new and higher tax base.

There does come a time to stop saying “Conspiracy theory” and accept the conspiracy as a fact.