Looking back on Israel’s continuing war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip and all the uproar over the US withholding of certain munitions shipments to Israel, it doesn’t appear that they actually suffered from any shortages at all and still don’t. The conflict in Gaza is being conducted “business as usual”, and when Hezbollah in Lebanon got into the fray they were quickly and soundly defeated and rushed to the bargaining table for a cease-fire.

Even as all that was going on, Israel was able to launch a devastating attack on Iran’s missile production facilities and do the same in Syria. So plainly, Israel was not lacking in munitions and still isn’t.

What the supposed “withholding of shipments” did do was give more confidence to Israel’s enemies, who then grew bold enough to attack Israel and who then got flattened for their trouble. Could it be that all that uproar over withheld shipments and the US trying to stifle Israel’s war efforts, was a trick to lure in their enemies by making Israel look weak? Because the result is a dramatic change in the Middle East that’s still ongoing. We have yet to see the end of it with Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

The war between Russia and Ukraine still drags on, and started because of all the proactive efforts to bring Ukraine into NATO. This would allow the deployment of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, aimed at Russia, of course, which is why Putin invaded. It was clear at the time that bringing Ukraine into NATO would precipitate this conflict, so why was it pushed?

Look at the results for the answer to that. Russia’s conducting a grinding war that’s draining all their resources and they can’t keep this up forever, after they allied with China, which so far has done little, if anything, to aid them. Instead, the war has halted a lot of farm production that China would love to buy but now can’t. So was Putin conned into attacking Ukraine? Maybe, huh?

It’s such a common tactic. The US public didn’t want anything to do with Germany and Japan when they were launching their wars, they wanted to stay out of it and did until, strangely, the radar operator in Honolulu failed to report all the aircraft approaching the island, even though they were on alert for a Japanese attack.

US intelligence services were fully aware that a bunch of Saudis were setting up an attack on the Twin Towers, yet somehow failed to get the message until after they were struck, so instead of attacking Saudi Arabia, they went to war with Iraq for the oil and Afghanistan for the profits from munitions production.

Government is a shell game. It’s all about misdirection. When you think that little pea is under one of those three shells, it’s actually in the con man’s hand.


The war between East and West is heating up. Soon to be president Donald Trump posted this on X today: “The Tariffs, and Tariffs alone, created this vast wealth for our Country. Then we switched over to Income Tax. We were never so wealthy as during this period. Tariffs will pay off our debt and, MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN!”

Trump is a Capitalist, always has been, that’s why he’s a billionaire, and increasing tariffs will impede our international trade, not enhance it. This is not Capitalism, but it is Globalism. When it costs more for makers of foreign goods to sell here, they will sell us less and charge us more, forcing us to make those goods ourselves as we used to, forcing us to once again become producers that sell to the world.

This has a lot to do with the modernization of much of the world, because we led the way. We were the shining example of an industrious people. If we’re to have a successful Global government, then everyone has to have a good work ethic again.

And if the West is to succeed over China in forming Earth’s Global Government without resorting to an actual fighting war to do it, then it’s tariffs that will pave the road to success.

As I posted recently, not all those illegal aliens are going to be deported, just the gangsters, as part of a campaign to destroy the drug cartels and bring Mexico out of Second or Third World status. That’s because we need those who are willing to work, as our industries start up again. Prosperity for all is a Globalist goal. Just this morning, our government blocked a pending sale of the U.S. Steel Co. to Japan. We’re keeping it and putting people back to work making steel products.

People like Klaus Schwab say that “You will own nothing and be happy” because they envision a world where the State owns everything, and this view isn’t universally shared. It may never happen, either, and if it does, that’s far, far into the future. What matters right now is that China not be allowed to dominate the world and turn everyone into owned property of the State. That and reducing an excessive population that’s wrecking the ecology of our planet.

This is the shift that’s happened in our government, it’s why this presidential election wasn’t stolen, and why Trump was allowed to be the spokesman for this changed direction. We do have a Uniparty, they do work together, and they don’t want to see the world fall into decay any more than you or I do. Power struggles always go on within governments and ours is no exception. We may never know what really went on, but the power has now shifted away from the Communists and to the Globalists. I just hope it stays that way.

About patriotism. Patriotism is bullshit. I realized as a child that its purpose was to get foolish people to go fight and die in wars they had nothing to do with starting, usually because their government rulers or leaders wanted to conquer some other people or just saw a way to get richer over our dead bodies. Wars will end when we stop having separate countries.


There will be a lot more launches of Elon’s Starships this year and an attempt, at least, to land one on the Moon before year’s end.

Canada’s government will fall and a new alliance will be made with the US making us more economically united. Mexico will be forced to choose between the drug cartels and prosperity, as the cartels are both taking over the government and destroying the country, and the US is about to launch a full-on war with the cartels because they’re interfering so badly now with corporate profits.

Also, the US is dependent on Mexico for much of it’s fresh produce in winter, which Mexico will plan to use against the US, but when the drug traffic is stopped along with the flow of money, the cartels will lose their power and the government will have no choice but to join in the fight against them. A lot of Mexican blood will flow before this is over.

Trump will announce various intentions, such as deporting millions of illegals and sealing the border with Mexico and getting our oil and gas production up again, along with intentions already announced, tariffs on China, Mexico etc..

These pronouncements are all just for public consumption, the reality will be different. Inflation will increase, immigration will slow because the USA is becoming a less desirable country to live in, except for skilled foreign workers, who will increase, the increase in oil and gas production will be exported for corporate profit rather than used to lower prices in the US, the digitization of currency will continue and less and less retail outlets will accept cash.

The tariffs on China will happen and there will be a tariff war with them. The West, being N. America and most of Western Europe, will join in an economic war against China to halt their aggressive expansionism. This means a shortage of their goods for us. China is already working to cut off the West’s supply of rare earths we use in batteries, industry and in military applications, while we’re busy developing new discoveries at home. It’s already a race to self-sufficiency.

There will be an internal war in the USA within the government because the CIA and FBI have been taken over by Chinese agents who have in turn brought in tens of thousands more Chinese saboteurs. The Globalists want them out and while the public will be told it’s all just politics, there will be assassinations, missing people, misinformation, non-information and lots of lies.

Governmental control over our lives will increase. Global society is going to become more divided, especially in the more-developed nations, into two basic classes, those engaged in some form of technical or scientific employment, and everyone else. Put plainly, the geeks are becoming the Elite of the working class.

Earth’s population is going to start diminishing. It’s peaked, and now will decrease and continue to decrease rapidly, primarily due to decreased childbirth but also because of an increase in deaths from all causes including starvation. World hunger will increase.

Earth’s weather is also changing and becoming more violent, and this has a direct effect on crops. There will be massive crop failures and nations that have to import food to keep their populations fed will see starvation. The hungry will rush toward their neighbor’s larders and local wars will break out at their borders.

Summing up, worsening weather, less food, more government, higher costs, but decreasing population which eventually will help free up the food supply, lower inflation and decrease migration. The pendulum swings.


I hate passwords, they’re more than a nuisance, they’re a Pain In The Ass. We’ve all been warned repeatedly that we should not use just one password for everything, and we should change our passwords frequently. If we do this, it’s not long before we have passwords for thirty different sites from our banking and credit cards to the people we buy from and sell to, passwords for email, for Paypal, Amazon, Joe’s Fish Market, Poopies Pizza, Tomaso’s Tacos, four grocery stores, three insurance companies, two government agencies and a partridge in a pear tree AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

The only thing that makes sense is to have one strong password, which we’re told never to do, because if someone hacks it, they can then take away everything we have and take over our lives. This is one of the Benefits and Great Joys of the Internet, that your money is no longer safe in the local bank.

We all forget passwords, there’s just too damned many of them. I keep a list but the list is always changing whether I want it to or not. I live alone so unless someone breaks in and finds the list, my passwords are sort of, kind of safe, more or less, but not everyone does and passwords get stolen all the time when we’re not forgetting what they are anyway.

Then there’s this fun one: The window that pops up and says Forget your password? So you click on that and it says “We sent a reset code to your email” and they have an old, dead email address you quit using three years ago. NOW you have to get on the phone and talk to someone in Sri Lanka or New Delhi to try and get into your account, and it will take at least 3 phone calls and 2 hours of your time before you finally succeed, if you haven’t smashed your phone to bits before then, in frustrated rage.

There should be the Death Penalty for hacking. I’m serious. People who play evil games for personal gain on the Internet should be publicly flogged to death. This crap might not end entirely but it would be down to a whisper, like the Bubonic Plague, a good comparison.

And PINS. Oh god let’s not forget Pins. Everyone wants you to have not just a Password but also a Pin of 4 to 6 numbers, that often THEY assign and every one is different. I remember when my bank told me I had to have a Pin on top of my Password and how strongly I rebelled and refused, years ago. But to no avail. So of course I promptly forgot it and had to go through thirty minutes of proving my identity the next time I contacted my bank online.

Yep, Death Penalty. Until some genius coder figures out how to do away with Evil Passwords, we should just brutally slaughter the scum who make us need the damn things. Children steal but by adulthood there’s no excuse. Time to make the world a better place.


10 AM on January 1st. It’s just another winter day. I was woken up at the stroke of midnight last night by a really loud explosion, that was no gun shot or firecracker. Someone around here probably makes their own explosives, because that blast even set off the motion detectors that turn on my security lights. It shook the ground.

That was followed by some gunshots, car horns blaring and a few people yelling “Happy new year”, and then silence and I was able to get back to sleep.

New year celebrations were exciting when I was young and lived in a city, but I’ve seen so many of them now, and I’m not out celebrating with the rest of the young crowd anymore. I’m not complaining, I’m lucky to still be alive, all things considered. Anymore, though, New Year’s Day is just a reminder that I’ll have another birthday in a few days, and another year pretty much like the last one. It’s like the Talking Heads song, “Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens”. This must be Heaven.

It’s this time of year when warm days are at their nadir that I start thinking of what I should plant in the garden next spring. That’s my way of looking past the deadness of everything outside, the barren trees and brown grass, by imagining the bright green of new life springing from the ground. Which may be why it’s called Spring, come to think of it. It’s called Fall because that’s what the leaves do.

For all of you out there who see today as a New Start, I hope it is one for you and is all and more than you hope for.