A year and 4 months ago, that was October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked the Israelis and killed about 1200 people, I posted that there was something fishy about this whole thing, that it stunk of a setup.

It looked very much to me that the Hamas attack had been allowed to happen, that they were allowed to commit atrocities to justify Israel finally getting really serious about these constant terror attacks and DO something about them. It reminded me of our government’s behavior that got us into the Second World War and the Vietnam War.

In Israel’s righteous wrath, they practically leveled the Gaza Strip. Almost every single building in every town and city has been either blown into rubble or is so severely damaged that it’s utterly uninhabitable. The result of this was when tens of thousands of the former inhabitants walked all the way back to where their homes were, thinking to move back in to them again, they discovered their homes were gone. So back to the tents in South Gaza they returned.

The Gaza Strip has been rendered uninhabitable and no one could stop Israel from doing this because they were legitimately at war.

Today, after meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, Pres. Trump has announced that the US is taking over the Gaza Strip, will clean it up, remove all the unexploded munitions and so forth, and rebuild it into a Caribbean oceanside paradise. For Israelis.

I bet $1000 that much of the money to do all this will be coming from rich Jews who will be making even bigger fortunes off of this. That real estate is worth more than I can imagine, they’ll make it pay dividends, the USA will have a permanent military base there, and there will be peace in the Middle East at last OR ELSE.

This was the plan from the very beginning. It wasn’t necessary to destroy every building to fight Hamas. But it was if they wanted to take the real estate back. Egypt and Jordan said they won’t take in the losers but Trump says they will. Who do you think will win? With a permanent base in Israel, the US won’t need one in Turkey anymore and can force Turkey out of NATO and make them become compliant and even secular again.

This looks to me like the start of the pacification of Islam.

Big things are afoot.

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