Scientists Create a Material as Strong as Steel but Light as Styrofoam Using AI

“Researchers at the University of Toronto have created this stunning material by merging machine learning (AI) with nanoscale engineering. The breakthrough could transform industries from aerospace to automotive.”

In short, new work with nanoscale carbon lattices has produced a new building material that would greatly reduce the weight of anything made of it compared to the same object made of conventional materials, including plastics and aluminum.

Imagine one of Elon’s stainless steel starships made of this material instead. With the same rocket engines it could carry a much heavier payload into space much faster and arrive much sooner.

This technology can apply to just about anything. It can replace plastics, and as waste, is only carbon, which is abundant in nature and non-polluting. If this technology increases, more and more carbon will be pulled from our atmosphere, freeing up more and more oxygen.

AI is creating a quantum leap in our level of technology. The invention of the vacuum tube in 1908 opened up instant global communication, and once that happened, the technological advance of humanity exploded in all directions.

We’re making a great leap into a vast unknown. From the day to day outside world, it all looks much the same. But it’s not.

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