Pres. Trump has announced that a deal with Ukraine is close to being signed that gives the US access to Ukraine’s natural resources in exchange for all the billions of dollars the US has given Ukraine in their war with Russia. Trump wants Ukraine to pay the US back.
If you read this story, it’s all about getting the deal signed and getting the US repaid. No mention is made of the fact that Ukraine and Russia are at war and this is big impediment to mining anything, right now. This will have to stop and that’s coming.
This is going to plant the US firmly and permanently in Ukraine. Since we will become a major part of Ukraine’s economy and have ownership and control of at least some of Ukraine’s natural resources, then we won’t want Russia running around with tanks and armed North Koreans, shooting the place up. The USA will become Ukraine’s protectors.
Now, here’s the funny part. Russia’s been adamant that Ukraine not be allowed to join NATO, and the US, of course, is NATO’s biggest partner. Ukraine won’t be in NATO but NATO sure as hell WILL be in Ukraine and the US will be running the country, count on it. Ukraine will become essentially a US possession, a “US state” perched smack onto the side of Russia.
Of course, there’s more to this that’s as yet unspoken. Ukraine is going to have to give up a chunk of the territory Russia’s conquered, and Russia is going to have to back off and stop fighting, in return. Considering the terrible beating and losses Russia’s sustained in what started out to be a 3 day war, I think they’ll leap at the chance to stop fighting and declare a sort of victory. Putin badly needs this.
The future of this part of the world is about to be changed, with this deal. There’s far more than meets the eye, here. This could be the move that swings Russia finally away from hostility toward the West, out of their 100 years of paranoia and into rejoining Europe instead of trying so futilely to conquer it. Think of that. If this happened, China would be left behind and their power would be diminished. Their goal of world conquest would be erased if Russia came over to the West with their vast inventory of nuclear weapons and a long border with China.
Big things are afoot with little Ukraine. Destiny is a road full of surprises.