This is just one, but it is a big one, Washington Post newspaper owner Jeff Bezos, the same Jeff Bezos who owns Amazon, Blue Origin, 150.000 acres in west Texas and various other businesses and properties, has turned the leftist newspaper Right.

This is straight out of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”. This can’t be laid at Pres. Trump’s doorstep, this is The Change that I’ve been talking about and Trump and Bezos are only symptoms of this shift in direction.

In hypocritically announcing that the Washington Post will now advocate for individual liberties and the free market, Bezos declared, “I’m confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion. I’m excited for us together to fill that void.” The WaPo has been rapidly losing subscribers and money from being Leftist, this is purely a financial move by one who at least sees the writing on the wall.

The immediate result of this was the resignation of opinion editor David Shipley, who was obviously very dedicated to his obnoxious Leftist dogma. These paragraphs from Jonathan Turley’s website are especial gems:

“Jeff Stein, the publisher’s chief economics reporter, denounced Bezos as carrying out a “massive encroachment” that makes it clear “dissenting views will not be published or tolerated there.” For many moderates and conservatives, it was a crushingly ironic objection given the virtual purging of conservative and libertarian voices at the newspaper.

Amanda Katz, who resigned from the Post’s opinion team at the end of 2024, offered a vivid example of the culture that Bezos is trying to change at the Post. Katz said the change was “an absolute abandonment of the principles of accountability of the powerful, justice, democracy, human rights, and accurate information that previously animated the section in favor of a white male billionaire’s self-interested agenda.”

Just as a reminder, Bezos simply stated that the newspaper would advocate for freedom and free markets.”

This is yet another thing that the Left is in a frenzy about as more of these moves to the Right keep piling up on them. I’m not sure a lot of excitement is really warranted, this may just be things coming back into balance again after swinging so far into fantasy land. But so far, so good.