“Criswell Predicts” was a TV show in the 1950’s, he would make wild predictions that never came true, so to boost his average he’d “predict” that various companies were about to put certain new products on the market, which they were, they were paying him to advertise them in advance.

I like to think my average is better than Criswell’s was. I don’t get paid for my prognostications and they come from looking at current events, comparing those to past events and then projecting the most likely ensuing events.

For instance: The entire Middle East is watching to see what happens on this coming Saturday noon in Israel. Hamas has given a couple of phony excuses for refusing to hand over more hostages on Saturday as per their ceasefire deal with Israel and it’s probably to do with the skeletal condition of the latest 3 who were released last Saturday.

Pres. Trump and company are infuriated over this and have warned Hamas that they must now release ALL the hostages this Saturday at noon “or there will be Hell to pay”, and he’s repeated this to all interested parties. He sounds like he really means it and has instructed Israel to blow the Gaza strip the rest of the way into smithereens if they don’t comply.

He also told Egypt and Jordan that he wants them to take in the Gazans as refugees and do it soon, and they’ve so far refused.

So here’s my prediction: Hamas won’t release the hostages, Israel renews the war, the rest of the Strip, what little remains standing, will also be reduced to rubble, a lot of Gazans will die, but not a huge lot, maybe a few thousand more but they’ll be rushing the gate to Egypt, Trump will cancel the $billions in aid to Egypt and THEN the Egyptians will open the gate and let them flood through.

While all this is happening, armored bulldozers will be pushing the concrete rubble into piles and huge skiploaders will be picking it up and dumping it into massive dump trucks that will haul it to the coast where it will be used to build jetties and breakwaters for the protection of future hotels, resorts and marinas.

Now let’s see how right or wrong I am, and we won’t have long to wait.


Israel’s government is warned by various other governments that Hamas is planning a mass attack and the warnings are ignored and their security surveillance inexplicably lax on Oct. 7, 2023 when Hamas attacks, murders about 1200 people and abducts several hundred more. It looks very much like this was allowed to happen.

After decades of putting up with terrorist rocket attacks, bomb vest explosions, car bombs and so on, it took this to finally get Israel’s squabbling government to agree to declare war on the terrorists.

A war ensues that results in the destruction of almost every single building in the entire Gaza Strip, the reducing of every city from one end to the other to rubble and rendering the entire Strip uninhabitable.

All this began a year and 4 months before Donald Trump became President. Donald Trump made his fortune in real estate.

Now Trump is president, and he is advocating for the US to own the Gaza Strip and rebuild it as a giant real estate venture. His newest partner in governing the US is Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and the world’s greatest entrepreneur. Trump’s just given Israel the go-ahead to push the plan through and now Hamas will either give in or there’s going to be a slaughter. Those people are leaving, in body bags, on foot, on their donkey carts.

Some would say that this is all just a big coincidence. I’m not one of them.

A Gaza that becomes a Middle East Mediterranean Riviera with the might of the USA behind it and Saudi Arabia building a massive modern city stretching across the desert will combine to force an end to all the terrorism and ultimately bring the Middle East together and unite it with the West.

Iran needs to be tamed but that won’t be far off and when their terror sponsoring is shut down, their proxies will be.

All this is moving toward uniting us under a single government.


Pres. Trump just ordered the Treasury Department to stop minting pennies because they now cost over 2 cents each to make, and already X is flooded with people whining that what will they do if something costs $10.01 and they don’t have a penny?

Trump didn’t say to take them all out of circulation, he said to stop making more. Pennies are going to be around for years yet, though in reality, stores will drop using cents soon and just round off at 5 cents, states will stop taxing to the cent, and people generally will start saving all the pennies they get in change, thinking that they’re going to become rare and valuable even though there’s billions of them in circulation, so it won’t be long from right now that pennies do disappear from circulation.

After awhile, people who have hoarded pennies will figure out that they’re just as worthless as they’ve been for decades and start spending them, and stores will find themselves stuck with piles of pennies they have to roll and take to their banks.

The future is so easy to predict sometimes.


Scientists Create a Material as Strong as Steel but Light as Styrofoam Using AI

“Researchers at the University of Toronto have created this stunning material by merging machine learning (AI) with nanoscale engineering. The breakthrough could transform industries from aerospace to automotive.”

In short, new work with nanoscale carbon lattices has produced a new building material that would greatly reduce the weight of anything made of it compared to the same object made of conventional materials, including plastics and aluminum.

Imagine one of Elon’s stainless steel starships made of this material instead. With the same rocket engines it could carry a much heavier payload into space much faster and arrive much sooner.

This technology can apply to just about anything. It can replace plastics, and as waste, is only carbon, which is abundant in nature and non-polluting. If this technology increases, more and more carbon will be pulled from our atmosphere, freeing up more and more oxygen.

AI is creating a quantum leap in our level of technology. The invention of the vacuum tube in 1908 opened up instant global communication, and once that happened, the technological advance of humanity exploded in all directions.

We’re making a great leap into a vast unknown. From the day to day outside world, it all looks much the same. But it’s not.


A year and 4 months ago, that was October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked the Israelis and killed about 1200 people, I posted that there was something fishy about this whole thing, that it stunk of a setup.

It looked very much to me that the Hamas attack had been allowed to happen, that they were allowed to commit atrocities to justify Israel finally getting really serious about these constant terror attacks and DO something about them. It reminded me of our government’s behavior that got us into the Second World War and the Vietnam War.

In Israel’s righteous wrath, they practically leveled the Gaza Strip. Almost every single building in every town and city has been either blown into rubble or is so severely damaged that it’s utterly uninhabitable. The result of this was when tens of thousands of the former inhabitants walked all the way back to where their homes were, thinking to move back in to them again, they discovered their homes were gone. So back to the tents in South Gaza they returned.

The Gaza Strip has been rendered uninhabitable and no one could stop Israel from doing this because they were legitimately at war.

Today, after meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, Pres. Trump has announced that the US is taking over the Gaza Strip, will clean it up, remove all the unexploded munitions and so forth, and rebuild it into a Caribbean oceanside paradise. For Israelis.

I bet $1000 that much of the money to do all this will be coming from rich Jews who will be making even bigger fortunes off of this. That real estate is worth more than I can imagine, they’ll make it pay dividends, the USA will have a permanent military base there, and there will be peace in the Middle East at last OR ELSE.

This was the plan from the very beginning. It wasn’t necessary to destroy every building to fight Hamas. But it was if they wanted to take the real estate back. Egypt and Jordan said they won’t take in the losers but Trump says they will. Who do you think will win? With a permanent base in Israel, the US won’t need one in Turkey anymore and can force Turkey out of NATO and make them become compliant and even secular again.

This looks to me like the start of the pacification of Islam.

Big things are afoot.


There’s signs, it’s like a snowball rolling downhill and getting larger as it rolls and gathers more snow. In my last post I pointed out that the US is one of the two world’s superpowers, China being the other one, and one of these two will form the basis of a world government. If it’s the US, all the other nations including China will be involved, but it’s the policies of the most powerful nation that will shape this new government.

It appears that Trump is suddenly accomplishing some marvelous goals worldwide, and he’s only just begun. I have to ask, does anyone really believe he wields so much power that he can do all these things by himself?

His power comes from all those behind him, who give it to him, and the more backing he appears to have in the world, the more it appears that it’s the US that will set policy for the new Global Government.

I keep saying, Global government is the goal, and now, suddenly, Trump is being presented as the Great Unifier instead of the Evil Destroyer of Democracy.

I’ve been wrong in the past, I’ve been fooled, you can’t win them all. All I can do is call them as I see them and the view keeps changing.


My vast audience has disagreed with me about Trump being a Globalist and I think it’s because of all the bad publicity the Globalists have received from the Main Stream Media.

The MSM is LEFTIST. So doesn’t it make you wonder why they were all so against the World Economic Fund and Claus Schwab, and Globalism in general, and called it “Communism”, when it was the MSM that’s been pushing all the communist ideology on us?

There’s more than one kind of oak tree, Christian, dog, etc. and more than one kind of Globalist. Trump and his crowd are not the same as the ones that have been running the US. There’s been a regime change which I’ve already discussed here, and the old crowd has lost the power struggle.

Now we’re seeing what this form of Globalism has to offer. Instead of fake disease epidemics and general poverty coupled with inflation and shortages, ala Cold War Russia, this form aims for more general prosperity and an end to lawlessness, and while the rhetoric is still about “making America great again”, it’s focused on expanding the borders of the US and bringing in Greenland and Canada under the “statehood” umbrella. For starters.

The Unites States is one natural founder of a global government and China is the other. They’re the two world superpowers and both want the job. Of course, the President of the US is the front man, the spokesperson, for Western Globalism, just as Pres. Xi of China is for Eastern Globalism. The age of separate nations is ending. It has to.

Just as a personal thought, I’ll bet against Canada becoming a US state, I think this is just pressure tactics to get Canada to align with the US, to accept mutual governance.

Mexico and Central America are intended to join in this bloc in the future along with South America. If you’ve been paying attention, then you see what I’m seeing. Central and South American leaders are starting to cooperate with the US. These events are significant.

Globalism at it’s simplest is getting all nations to join in one form of government. The European Union is openly an attempt at doing exactly this, but the core of the EU is German rule, which is why it’s fragmented. After WWII, letting the Germans run things just isn’t very popular.

But if the US can consolidate North America and much of South America, the EU nations may well vote to join, especially if the benefits of doing so make it worthwhile, and they may, because China, Russia and neighboring communistic nations have formed a bloc of their own that wants to suck in everyone else, and the English-speaking nations and Western Europe won’t want to be part of that.

One way or another, what it will ultimately come down to is the East versus the West. Most people understand this, whether they give it much thought or not. As I’ve said before, the continuation of humanity depends on our evolving into a unified global government.

Donald Trump is the new hero face of New Globalism. Right now he’s working to unite the US with our neighbors.

With Mexico, the cartels, which elect Mexico’s presidents and judges, are starting to attack us thinking they can win because we won’t fight them, and they’re wrong. War with Mexico is coming and when it’s over there will be a new government in Mexico that isn’t paid with drug money, and that is joined to the US at the hip, fully cooperating. Coming to your TV screen soon.