There’s no decorum in the British Parliament, they jump up and down, interrupt each other, shout at each other, stage walkouts and generally act like a Kindergarten class gone amok, and these are the wise and solemn representatives of the people? It’s a clown show, they should all be standing outside selling cotton candy and juggling bowling pins.

Last night at the State of the Union speech given by Pres. Trump, the first act of incompetent stupidity was by Congressman Al Green, an unkempt black man of low IQ, who loudly interrupted Pres. Trump at the start of his speech, standing and waving a cane while declaring that Trump “has no mandate”. A lie in itself, since the vote overwhelmingly gave him one.

Green refused to shut up and had to be escorted out by the security guards.

The entire Democrat section, which was seated separately from the Republicans, never applauded, never stood with the rest of Congress to acknowledge any of the very deserving people being honored, and kept waving little signs that said things like “Elon Steals” and “Trump Lies” and they made themselves look like idiots by doing so instead of as people who truly care about the country. Their behavior was an open declaration that they put party partisanship ahead of the welfare of the nation. In front of the world, they looked bad.

Nancy Pelosi was there but only as a bystander this time, a guest, she had to sit there and be humiliated as Donald Trump was again President in spite of all her efforts to harm him, as he ripped her party’s past efforts to shreds instead of her ripping up his speech as she did, so infamously, in Congress in his first term. That was one of the most disrespectful displays ever conducted in the Congress of the United States, and the shame of it will be her lasting legacy.

At least this time there was no large bloc of Dem. party women all dressed in white to signify some cause no one really even remembers, probably because no one cared about it at the time except them. There were some women dressed in pink, or was it red, I forget already, but the reason was never clear.

At the end of the speech, the final impression the Left reminded me of, was something Spiro Agnew once said when he referred to a political group as “An effete corps of snobs”.

Trump may not have all the power he appears to have. I have some misgivings, but we’ll certainly know as the days march on. Pres. Trump can only do what he’s allowed to do, by those who run our world.

In the meantime, it would be nice to see a much more solemn decorum return to our halls of Congress. Public displays of silliness don’t belong there. We have a right to expect them all to act like adults.

One last thought: Remember when being anti-war was what the Liberal Left did? Instead of the Right?

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