That meddling idiot, Tayip Recep Erdogan, the Forever President (dictator) of Turkey, is offering to send “peace-keeping troops” to Ukraine. This is an obvious attempt to interfere with the ongoing efforts of Pres. Trump to engage both Ukraine and Russia in reaching a cease-fire and peace agreement.

You don’t send troops into a country to wage peace. You send them there to fight, to wage war. If you want peace, you don’t get it by killing people, you get it by stopping the killing.

There’s a lot of mixed signals in Europe and the US both regarding Ukraine. Zelensky says he wants peace but acts to prolong the war. He refuses to hold elections, like a dictator, while claiming he’s trying to save the “democracy”. European NATO nations are preparing to send troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians. Trump wants to close a natural resources mining deal with Ukraine which would establish a permanent US economic presence in Ukraine, make Ukraine a US ally and partner and give Putin a good reason to back off, thereby bringing an end to this war, but it doesn’t help that he first demands that Zelensky apologize. Why would this matter even slightly in the face of a pending world war?

Pres. Trump recently rebuked Zelensky in a now famous Oval Office scene for playing around with World War 3. Now we have Turkey’s Erdogan intruding into what is already a very dangerous mess. Anywhere a conflict arises that’s in the general area, Erdogan shoves both feet into and makes everything much worse in his efforts to be a big Middle East and East Europe power player.

Zelensky is a dangerous man in his desire to stay in power and play off everyone against each other, but he’s too corrupt to last, in my estimation. He’s only in power now because he was able to spread a lot of free money around to those willing to do his bidding for a price. Now that Pres. Trump is cutting him off, France and the UK are offering to sent troops and fund him but their economies can’t replace the sums that the US had been sending and doing so will just direct some of Russia’s wrath toward them.

If Turkey’s troops are sent in and start fighting Russia, Russia will surely attack Turkey and Turkey is a member of NATO and a US ally, and the US has warplanes occupying part of the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, including bombers. At one time, 90 nuclear weapons were stored at Incirlik. I’ve read a few years ago that they were removed but can’t verify this.

It isn’t Zelensky who’s the real danger at triggering WW3, it’s all of them. It’s the combination, and the more actors who enter this stage, each with their own agenda, the more the confusion increases and the fog of war becomes thicker and darker.

Pres. Trump is absolutely right. For a long time I discounted any real possibility of another global war because China was always posed as the nation that would start it, and it’s the last thing the Chinese want.

Europe gave us our last two Great Wars and it looks like they want another one, and now I understand why the US government suddenly abandoned Leftist-ism and swung back to the Right. They see this coming and want no part of it.

The nations of the world are going through a realignment of alliances similar to events preceding WW2 and this bears watching, because if one state switches their military alliance to a more powerful neighbor, others may follow suit and entirely new power blocs may form to either dissuade potential attackers or become attackers. If the US can stop the war in Ukraine, they will stop what’s rapidly shaping up to become World War 3, and they better hurry before Erdogan gets troops in there and the idiots in France and the UK start pouring in money and troops. If they don’t, all bets may soon be off.

A last thought… For want of a nail, a kingdom was lost. A proverb well worth paying attention to. That demand by Trump for an apology from Zelensky bothers me. Zelensky will likely continue to refuse it. If so, Trump won’t complete the natural resources deal and that would leave the way open for World War 3. If I can see that, they can, too.

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