Jabberwocky was a poem by Lewis Carroll composed mostly of made-up words that sounded almost like real words. Today on Fox News I listened to a talking head tell us, the audience, that what the Democrat Party needs is to rebuild itself in a new image because it’s dying while the Republican Party is surging in public opinion and approval.
That makes right now a good time to point out that while his words aren’t made up, his talking points are.
For eight years of Trump followed by Biden, and longer, the US has had but one political party with two names, Republican and Democrat. Public approval has been almost non-existent for either half of this Uni-Party so the polls were artificially inflated to make it seem like we were all still gung-ho for one side or the other.
We weren’t, the American public didn’t give a crap for either side, we were gung-ho for Donald Trump and the media was going nuts portraying him as an Evil Dictator to detract from his huge popularity. His popularity resulted from the fact that he wasn’t pushing a political agenda, he was trying to wrestle control of our country back from those who were destroying it.
At the end of his first term, the election was stolen from him and the American public as an alternative to having him killed, a choice some no doubt now regret because he continued to hold rallies and speak out for the following four years and in the course of this, changes were taking place in the direction of government that saw many politicians disengage themselves from the general corruption. Why this has come about, I don’t know, but it has and it may have to do with a split from China.
This is the change now perceived in many of the Republicans that is setting the party apart from the Democrats. The childish displays the Democrats put on at Trumps speech yesterday and that they continued with today at their Rebuttal are doing a lot to cement the view that the Democrat Party is dying, that there are two separate parties in the US again and the New Republican Party is going to fix everything and lead the nation forward to Greater Glory.
Jabberwocky. It’s all for show. The Democrat side put on a performance yesterday and today to increase the appearance of disparity by making themselves look worse, to restore the illusion that we are governed by two separate parties, and that one of them is dying. On the news now you hear the refrain that the Democrat Party is dying. You hear it a lot.
Well, WHAT HAPPENS when you live in a country with only one political party, what do you have? Most people call that a dictatorship.
The fact, that I’ve been repeating for years now, is that we’ve been living in a dictatorship for years. They just keep telling us it isn’t. Now, if the Democrat Party is kicked into the dustbin, they’ll still keep telling us that we have a democracy anyway, while the Democrat Party shrinks away to oblivion and no one votes for it anymore or if they do, it doesn’t matter because they’ll never get enough votes to win.
It may not disappear overnight but by the time Trump’s term is up, it will be a lot weaker if they keep this up. Who wants to vote for a party that keeps behaving shamefully? Everyone wants to be popular and be on the side that’s winning, no one wants the embarrassment of admitting that their horse came in last.
This will absolutely be Continued…