The USA and other NATO nations are essentially at war with Russia now, considering that we’re supplying Ukraine with all the weapons of war in their battle against the Russian invasion of their country. The only thing that keeps Russia and us from directly attacking each other is that we don’t have our own troops there, fighting them. Or supposedly, since there are “advisors” who come along with the tanks and planes to teach the Ukrainians how to operate them.

Ukrainian President Zelensky said today that a loss to Russia could ultimately force the U.S. to choose between the “collapse of NATO” or going to war, according to Yahoo News, and he’s right. If Russia conquers Ukraine, they won’t stop there, their next assault will most likely be on Poland, which they had once enslaved into their “Soviet Union” and which Putin would dearly love to do again. Then, of course, attack and conquer the Baltic states, and just keep expanding outward.

Poland and most of the other states next to Russia are members of NATO, and an attack on one of them is considered an attack on all of them. The NATO allies are supporting Ukraine against Russia exactly because they don’t want the Russians to attack any NATO nation and force war upon them all, so they hope to defeat Russia in Ukraine and put an end to that threat.

But this war just keeps going on and Russia has more warm bodies to throw at Ukraine than Ukraine has to throw back. Eventually Ukraine will run out of soldiers to fight, and Russia will win. This is what Putin is now counting on and the only way to prevent this is for NATO forces to join the fray.

Zelensky is right, Russia cannot be allowed to win, and Putin has to be made to accept this fact without him going into desperation mode and launching waves of atomic bombs at the rest of the world. Personally, the best case scenario here is simply the assassination of Putin. Done and done, problem solved, war ended, peace resumes. It has always made more sense to kill the leaders than attack the soldiers under them. It’s how the Israelis manage to keep the Gaza Strip controlled. Every time new terrorist leaders pop up, Israel knocks them off in an endless, moronic game of Whack-A-Mole. This hasn’t stopped the Arabs from attacking but it’s really slowed them down to a crawl and made life a lot better for the Israelis. Now do it to Putin and put an end to all the suffering on both sides.