Those, like me, who pay attention to this, must be as startled as I am by the increasing number of verbal, legal and economic attacks against Israel in the effort to make them stop defending themselves against the Hamas terrorist organization, that are coming in from nations all over the world.

The United Nations is now firmly in the hands of the Globalists and with mostly Muslims in charge. The UN agency in Israel with the task of mediating between Israel and Hamas, supposedly there to ensure the well-being of the people, has proven to be working with Hamas against Israel. Now Israel is working to ban them and in my view, the UN itself should be dismantled as a terrorist organization.

The Hezbollah puppets of Iran, in Lebanon, have been steadily increasing their attacks on Israel and Israel has been increasingly responding, and now Egypt and Saudi Arabia have increased their clamor against Israel.

The US administration, which is openly Globalist, continues to back Israel with money and munitions instead of joining the pack of jackals against them, and I can see only one reason for it.

I still believe that if nuclear war should break out, it will start with Israel being forced to used those weapons as the only way to survive. This “normalization” with Saudi Arabia is bullshit, the Saudis demand the “Two State Solution” which is a death sentence for the state of Israel, and all of the Muslim nations are against Israel’s survival along with a growing number of EU states that don’t support Israel’s right of self defense.

Which is why our Globalist US government keeps helping Israel. For awhile there, they tried to stop them from going on into Rafah City where Hamas has concentrated, to keep Israel from winning. The IDF went in anyway and is steadily going deeper, so now the US is doing Plan Two, help them win while slowing them down, to give the world time to become so enraged at Israel that the military assaults come from all sides to destroy Israel.

Then the US can say “Hey, we tried to help them, it just didn’t work out” after refusing to sell them more bombs and ammunition at a crucial moment when Egyptian, Jordanian and Lebanese troops start pouring in over Israel’s borders. Yes, that’s a prediction, it’s exactly what they would do.

Remember that the Globalist goal is to have all nations under one government, and the only way that will ever happen with Israel is to wipe them out and make the whole area Islamic. I do not believe that the Israelis will go quietly into the night, I think they’ll fight back with everything they have, and they have nukes. The US understands this and wants Israel to collapse from an internal conflict, or at least keep the fighting “close to home” so they won’t use them.

No doubt those in my government who are doing all this manipulating think that they can control the situation. I don’t. I think they’ve lost control and can’t accept the fact.

The “Two State Solution” was all about keeping Israel subjugated and dependent on US aid and support to survive, but Israel’s been working hard over the decades to be free of that dependence and while they aren’t yet, completely, they’re pretty close now and their ignoring the US demands to not invade Hamas is a very clear proof of that. Once Hamas is eliminated and Israel’s forces dominate and rule over the Gaza Strip and West Bank, Israel will be free of US dependence.

Which is why the US wants to stop them, and why their efforts to do so can force a nuclear war to start there and spread around the world, and why I keep returning to the subject of Israel. It’s not getting better, it just keeps getting worse and worse the more progress Israel makes against Hamas and the more everyone attacks them for doing so. But the Israelis can’t stop, they have no other choice and if those behind this in the US don’t wake up to reality soon, a point of no return will be crossed.

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