During the ongoing struggle between North and South Korea, a new and terrible threat has arisen. Filth balloons. This may be the ultimate weapon that will destroy South Korea, as North Korea is fighting back over the balloons the South has floated in that drop leaflets, money, banned audio tapes and even Choco Pies, a treat that’s banned in the North.

Yes, the Evil North Korean Regime has responded to the vicious balloon attack by the South with balloons of their own, that instead of bringing food, news and money, are filled with what is only described as “vile filth” that those finding the balloons are warned not to even go near.

Oh, what horror! How diabolical! The insane genius of it, to bombard the South with nasty bags of filth.

Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahahaahahaha. What a fucking bunch of silly asses.

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