In this country, it is Constitutional Law that to be convicted of a crime by a jury of 12 people, they all have to agree on the specific crime and that you are guilty of it.

The trial of Donald Trump, being presided over by one Judge Merchan, has just ended the prosecution part and the judge has given the jury their instructions. He told them that they don’t have to agree on the specific crime, that they can choose any one of three different felony crimes, even if they are split 4-4-4 but all agree that he did commit a crime of some sort.

This might be normal procedure in Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela, or in a Russian or Chinese court, but not here, and it’s amazing to watch.

It’s hard for me to believe all the maniac crap that’s going on in my country, not just on the streets but in our halls of supposed justice. Even though I know what’s behind it all and the forces driving it, and their purposes, it’s still so alien to somebody like me who’s been used to an organized system such as we had. Those who are born into it today will think it’s all very normal, but the truth is that they’ll never really have any idea of what normal actually is.

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