No one ever seems to talk about how wars are so slow anymore. The Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War, Ukraine War, all conducted at a snail’s pace.

In a real war, first the aircraft come in and bomb the holy hell out of the enemy, then the tanks and troops pour in and finish the job. The Hamas terrorists know this, which is why they dug hundreds of tunnels and stashed fighters and weapons underground all over the country. They knew that when Israel attacked, it would be a real war, not one waged by some military-industrial complex that was far more concerned with profits than with the lives of the fighters.

They were certainly right and they did plan well, Hamas made waging war against them as difficult as possible, but even so, Israel has prevailed.

Not without fierce attempts to slow Israel down by the United States Military-Industrial Complex, that tried to force cease-fires, is still trying to, that’s threatened to withhold arms deliveries, has bribed Israeli government leaders like Gantz to act against his nation’s interests and undoubtedly has instigated much of the current outcry against Israel and the many pro-Hamas demonstrations.

The US wants a nice, slow fight as Israel runs out of war materials, using lots and lots of American made weapons that Israel would have to go deeply in debt to them for and thus be weakened by these debts, be forced to do things they would never otherwise do, as the US keeps withholding shipments, limiting shipments, only allowing certain weapons for certain purposes, this is what the US Military-Industrial Complex wants, never mind the deaths of thousands of young Israeli men that would result. They want another Vietnam, in Israel.

This is exactly what the US and EU are doing to Ukraine right now. Dragging out the war even as hundreds of thousands of people die on both sides of the conflict. American’s tax money pours into the coffers of the bomb makers, and as long as the bombs keep dropping, they keep getting richer along with the politicians backing them up.

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