We don’t know for sure yet but the general word going around is that Fuckjoe Biden will hand off the job to Krazy Kamala on Monday. This makes the most sense if the Globalists want to keep up the appearance that the democrat party has a viable candidate for the next fraudulent election.

If she replaced Biden now, she’d have about 4 months as The First Woman and Black Woman President Ever and would have had time to do presidential-looking shit before the election, so that when they rip off the election from Trump for a second time, it will at least look a little legitimate.

So Kackling Kamala is my current bet for the democrat candidate for White House Puppet. Now the question is, what sort of creature are they going to put up for HER running mate, the future Vice President? Don’t forget the popcorn.

7 thoughts on “AND THE NEW PUPPET IS…”


    We at GrrrGraphics have long said Obama still has a big hand in the Biden administration. Barack still maintains a fancy residence in Washington DC, after all. He’s there to remain plugged in and also pull strings from behind the scenes.

    Biden is a disaster and a danger to the country. I’ve said it would be great if Joe doesn’t step down because Trump would beat him easily. Trump might have more trouble against Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton, but the point is, Joe is a clear and present danger to the country. We can’t wait until November. Joe has GOT to go. He’s too close to the nuclear football and his dementia could inadvertently lead us to nuclear war.

    Here is a partial list of Biden’s verbal gaffes:

    “I feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do…”

    “We’re gonna protect our children from getting weapons of war off our streets!”

    “…I’m proud to be a black woman!”

    “I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this decade — that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did.”

    “Ho ho ho, happy Independence Day!” (Christmas in July?)

    The US Border Patrol union “endorsed me, endorsed my position.”

    “We finally beat Medicare!”

    “ I have a 6…I mean 8 (golf) handicap.”

    After his persistent and embarrassing blubbering, Biden is still running. Jill and Hunter told him he’s perfectly fine, so now Joe is digging in his heels. He may have dementia, but that does not obviate his narcissism and hubris. Joe will run even if he drags the country down with him toward his inevitable defeat. The fact that his son Hunter is recommending he fire key people in his staff is telling. Do we really want a drug-addicted felon making top-level decisions in the White House? Do we really want a power-hungry and unelected woman, Jill Biden, telling Joe what to do? That seems to be happening.

    The only person who can stop this is Barack Obama himself. He and his operatives still control a lot of the Democrat Party. So do the Clintons. I doubt Joe will listen to Hillary, but he will listen to Barrack. Obama needs to cut Joe’s strings and put him out to pasture in order to ‘protect our Democracy.’ (And our Republic).

    — The GrrrTeam

    1. European elections don’t interest me at all, Ernesto. They’re the same as here, like a mirror. They yell and rant and make loud speeches about this and that, and do nothing. It’s all Globalism over there, just like here, and politics is just to keep the people’s attention off what’s really going on. That’s my analysis, Politics is all bullshit.

        1. Nothing has been revealed yet about the shooter, so I can’t comment on his motives, but I don’t think this is any sort of a hoax. Biden made a remark a few days ago that “it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye,” and that could have given some fanatic the push to do this. We may never know because the shooter is dead now.
          We can’t deny the possibility that this was an attempt by the CIA or some other government agency to kill him, but I doubt it, because they’re professionals. They wouldn’t have missed. They killed Pres. Kennedy and he was a moving target hundreds of yards away. This is a really bad thing for the Uniparty right now, though, because all the blame is going to point straight at them, that the shooter is one of theirs and all the hate rhetoric coming from them caused this, and so forth. In fact they’re already dialing down their negativity because they can see this coming. It will probably make no difference by election time, November is a long ways away. When it comes to news, four months is forever.

          EDITED… I have to add this as more has come to light. The shooter was seen by people at the rally and pointed out to police there, who did nothing. The rooftop he shot from was easily covered by the Secret Service, yet they didn’t cover it. It’s looking like they knew there would be a lunatic there with a rifle and they just let it happen. There appears to be literally no reasonable excuse for leaving the rooftops unguarded, and yet THEY ALL WERE. The shooter was said to be about 400 feet away, or about 130 yards, a fairly easy shot with a rifle. In fact, within seconds of him shooting, he was shot dead by a Secret Service agent. Within seconds? Was the agent already aiming at the shooter and waiting for him to shoot Trump, first? This is looking like a redo of the shooting of Pres. Kennedy from the grassy knoll.

          At first I thought this was just another crazy Leftist with a gun. Now I’m very suspicious, this looks more and more like a planned assassination attempt involving the CIA, once again, and the Secret Service. I wonder if Dan Bongino has a view on this….

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