The Secret Service had the shooter in their sights SEVEN MINUTES before he started firing, according to the video linked below. I wondered why one of them was able to shoot him within seconds of when he started shooting. He fired off 8 rounds, in the first few, Trump was hit and ducked, that only took about two seconds, then in the next two seconds you could hear gunfire and the shooter was down. It all happened that fast and I wondered if one of the Secret Service guys had been aiming at him and was waiting for him to shoot Trump before killing the shooter.

He was. Here’s the link.

Pres. Trump was set up to die. Just one more inch to the right with that bullet and he would be dead.

The person now at the head of the Secret Service is a “diversity, equity, and inclusion”, “Woke” appointee of Joe Biden named Kimberly Cheatle who was formerly employed by the Secret Service. I don’t know anything about her other than that, and that comes from Rep. Tim Burchett , Tennessee Republican, who plainly doesn’t like her. But she’s in charge of the Secret Service and she’s responsible for providing the security for people like Pres. Donald Trump, and that “security” was withheld when it was requested.

Trump’s people asked the Secret Service, meaning her, for more security personnel for this rally and were turned down. Then the guards look straight at this shooter on a roof and do nothing, just wait until he shoots Trump before shooting him. People in the crowd saw the shooter with his rifle, they were screaming at the Secret Service, “There’s a man on the roof with a gun”, you can hear them on the videos, and the Secret Service did nothing, and waited for the assassin to shoot.

Do you think that, having failed in this attempt, they won’t try again? They had to be working with the shooter because this whole scenario was obviously orchestrated. You don’t just walk into a Trump rally with a rifle, climb a roof and start shooting. You get stopped the instant you even look slightly suspicious, that’s what happens. The Secret Service people are among the most highly trained in the world. The only way he got on that roof with a rifle is because he was allowed to.

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