This is a link to a video claiming that the Secret Service sniper who shot the shooter, had him in his sights for at least 3 minutes while repeatedly asking for permission to shoot him, and was told to wait until the shooter fired his weapon.

This says that he was instructed NOT to fire. To wait. This is totally outside of Secret Service training. They are there to protect the President and to eliminate any threats, including merely perceived but not proven threats. A man in camoflage clothing on a roof where no one was supposed to be, with a rifle, is a PROVEN THREAT.

There is already more than enough proof that government agencies are deeply involved in this attempted murder of Pres. Trump and that they organized it.

People need to understand how powerful the Globalists have become. Pres. Trump is their enemy, he wants to stop them and he thinks that being president of the United States will give him the power to do so, and he’s wrong.

The president of the US no longer has any power. The puppet performance by Joe Biden should be proof of that to anybody.

I don’t think Pres. Trump is going to back down, I know he has powerful people behind him now that he didn’t have before and that’s why he’s going ahead in his effort at being elected again, but I’m not expecting a happy, peaceful end to all this.

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