John Dillinger, the famous bank robber of the 1930’s, never wore a mask when he robbed banks at gunpoint, but he didn’t start out that way. He did wear a mask for his first bank robberies, but when his identity was discovered and the police knew he was the robber, he decided there was no point in wearing one anymore, and he never did again.

There is so much evidence piling up now to prove that the Secret Service was involved in the attempted assassination of Pres. Trump that it’s undeniable, and more evidence is still coming in. Everyone has a video camera built into their phones now and if surveillance and security cameras on buildings don’t record your every move, people with smartphones are. So far there’s about a dozen videos online, on Facebook and other media, showing the assassin crawling around on that roof, people yelling to the police and the police doing nothing.

Elon Musk posted a high definition photo from one of his satellites that shows a ladder in back of the building that the assassin used to climb up, and it was there before he got there.

Once it becomes obvious that this was a government plot to kill Pres. Trump, what’s the point of trying to hide it anymore? Might as well toss the mask in the trash and just come out barefaced as being the tyrants that they are, stop trying to deal with idiot puppets like Biden, and say “Screw it, We are your new masters and don’t care if you don’t like it”.

It’s going to come to that. The more the mask slips, the less reason there is to keep trying to fake it.

2 thoughts on “NEXT?”

    1. Yes, I watched that earlier today. This was a deliberate government attempt to assassinate Trump and make it look like a “lone gunman”, like Lee Harvey Oswald.

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