Melania’s absence from the RNC tonight was glaring, everyone was wondering why she wasn’t there with her husband. Well, earlier she’d issued a statement and in it said: “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change.”

On the brink of DEVASTATING change. What did she mean by that? I think she meant that she then fully understood what she was fearing before, that not just Donald’s life was in danger, but her whole family. I said the other day here that I feared for his family. I think she does now, too, and I bet they’ve all been advised by the Secret Service that all their lives are in danger.

She wasn’t alone in not showing for Trump’s nomination. His daughters weren’t there, his son in law was missing, too, as well as his youngest son Barron. The only family by his side was his oldest son.

I think Melania is taking Barron and leaving, and that’s why Donald Trump wore such a deep look of sadness. It’s going to be a lonely trip to the White House, if he’s ever even allowed to get there.


Decided to take a look at a news video of the Republican National Convention, tonight, and Trump really looks SAD.

I do read faces well, it comes from long experience, and for an occasion when he should be grinning happily, he’s having a pretty tough time even cracking a thin smile. His eyes are sad and droopy and he has the look of a man who knows this isn’t going to end well.

He does. He looks like someone who’s about to leave everything he loves behind hm. It’s that kind of look. He should be radiating joy at getting his party’s nomination, and he’s doing the opposite.

What is he expecting to happen? Also, Melania isn’t there by his side. Where the hell is Melania?

One thought on “WHY SO SAD? IS THIS THE ANSWER?”

  1. The Billion Dollar Question

    Maybe the First Lady is locked in a SAFE.

    …and other family members,too.

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