I watched Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention tonight, and while the narrator, in between the various speeches preceding Trumps, described him as being more humble from his brush with death, I didn’t hear much of that from Trump when his turn came to speak.

He told the crowd that God was on his side, and referred to those supporting him as “Trumpers”. Trumpers? Really?

Things seem to be taking a different turn than what pretty much all of us expected including me. I still don’t know if the Cabal is going to kill him or not, of course, I’m still not sure if he’s “taking a dive”, like the boxer expression, and made a deal with the Cabal, or really what the Hell is going on now.

Because almost everyone that backed Biden a week ago is now throwing him under a freight train. When Evil Chucky Schumer says he wants Biden gone, you know the wind has seriously changed direction and turned arctic cold. So Biden may be gone by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, but if not, it looks like soon. Then what about Cackling Kamala Harris, will they put her up as their candidate? Not likely even though she sure wants to be the next Puppet President.

If Biden is booted, they’ll pick some other likely male politician as the Cabal candidate for Puppet over Kamala, I’m pretty sure of it.

Then, either the election is stolen again and the Cabal Puppet “wins”, Trump is elected and plays along with the Cabal, or he doesn’t and is killed and his Vice Pres. becomes Cabal Puppet because he was a two-faced traitor all along. No, I’m not saying he is, that’s just my third possibility.

And you know, as twisted up as this all has been the past nearly 4 years, I may be wide of the mark on all my guesses. All I can really say is that it sure is entertaining to watch.

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