They’re beating louder and harder on the war drums in NATO, it really looks like Europe wants war with Russia/China. They have a little one now with Russia and I’ve been wondering if this wasn’t started to deplete Russia of it’s arms and men before getting into a big one. China will certainly be a big enough foe with it’s hordes of people.

This article says that NATO has over 500,000 troops on high alert and ready to go to war with Russia. Certainly the Russians, aka Vlad Putin, are making big threats against the NATO members about using atomic bombs on them. Russia is supposed to have more nukes than any other nation, but who knows how true this is? When the Soviet Union collapsed, they rushed to sell off everything they could to pad their bank accounts and tons of plutonium were sold.

It’s good to keep in mind while all the noise is going on, that humanity is in the process of evolving to the next step, which is global government. We’ve done the tribes, the city-states, the nations, the empires, the national alliances, and none have worked out to keep us from killing each other off. All that’s left is a drastic reduction in our population and a global government. Getting there is going to be messy.

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