It’s another September 11th. Another affirmation of lies, another celebration of death and deceit, another repetition of a false story.

It’s true that a group of Muslims hijacked four commercial aircraft and used them as suicide bombs to attack the USA with, and that nearly 3000 people died because of it. But pretty much the rest of the story we’re told is a pack of lies.

15 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabians. Osama bin Laden was Saudi also, from a very wealthy and high ranking family with the Saud Royal Family. At the time of the attack, members of the Saud Royal Family and bin Laden family were being entertained at the Texas ranch of President Bush. After the attack hit the news, they were put on a private flight to Miami and from there, back home to Saudi Arabia.

There were various documented reports of this online, 23 years ago, which I referenced in my blog back then, but all have been been scrubbed from the Internet since then, or I would link to them now. Still, new evidence keeps coming to light proving that the highest levels of the Saudi government were involved in the attack.

From The Atlantic: “A new filing in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims against the government of Saudi Arabia alleges that al-Qaeda had significant, indeed decisive, state support for its attacks. Officials of the Saudi government, the plaintiffs’ attorneys contend, formed and operated a network inside the United States that provided crucial assistance to the first cohort of 9/11 hijackers to enter the country.”

“The 71-page document, released in redacted form earlier this month, summarizes what the plaintiffs say they’ve learned through the evidence obtained in discovery and recently declassified materials. They allege that Saudi officials—most notably Fahad al-Thumairy, an imam at a Los Angeles mosque and an accredited diplomat at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in that city, and Omar al-Bayoumi, who masqueraded as a graduate student but was identified by the FBI as an intelligence operative—were not rogue operators but rather the front end of a conspiracy that included the Saudi embassy in Washington and senior government officials in Riyadh.”

After the attack, “Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office in a speech that laid out a key doctrine of his administration’s future foreign policy: “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.” This sudden change in policy paved the way for the attack on Iraq that halted their oil production, raising global oil prices and greatly increasing Saudi oil profits while eliminating a competitor. The excuse for the attack was that Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator, had weapons of mass destruction he planned to use against the USA. It was a lie, he had nothing of the sort.

What is not a lie is that the Bush oil family had long been deeply in bed with the Saudis and the Royal Family. It’s not a lie that outrageous acts are deliberately committed or allowed to happen when they could be prevented, because they serve the hidden purposes of governments or their leaders.

The purpose of the attack by Saudi Arabia on America was arranged by them to enable George W. Bush to attack Iraq, through having a now willing, united and enraged America. 3000 people were sacrificed to achieve this and many more have died since from illnesses that resulted from the massive pollution. It was all blamed on the people of Afghanistan because that’s where Osama was living, so we sent troops there to kill and to die and spent vast sums of money doing it even as we ravaged Iraq and tore their nation to pieces to control their oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died.

The fortune spent by the US government was money from taxes and tariffs, and spent on makers of war machines who rewarded certain people in government very handsomely for being given the contracts. Those of you who wonder how elected officials get so rich in office, that’s how. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste”. A lot of rich people became a lot richer as the result of the 9/11 attack while the Saudi government gained dramatically in power and wealth, and the problem of Islamic migration and it’s accompanying acts of terrorism increased.

The 9/11 attack was Saudi Arabia announcing their presence to the world as a new conqueror, with the willing collusion of our president and our Congress, whose only concern was how rich they might get by going along with it. This is what we celebrate with our yearly remembrances and memorials. Not an attack by a bunch of fanatic terrorists but a vast and successful conspiracy to increase Saudi power and wealth.

3 thoughts on “CELEBRATING THE LIE”

  1. I didn’t bother to watch it. It’s all just a show for the proletariat, in the end everyone votes “Dah”, no one votes “Nyet” because votes are worthless, Kamala will be appointed. I knew this would be a setup to make Trump look as bad as possible, and to make their chosen puppet president look like a winner.

  2. https://grrrgraphics.com/abc-presidential-debate-3-on-1/

    ABC Debates President Trump While Kamala Lies

    Cartoon published 09/11/2024

    Watching the ABC presidential debate with President Trump and Kamala Harris was like watching a fake news tag team, it was three against one.

    Great job ABC, you made CNN look fair and balanced. We feel President Trump did well, winning the debate and holding his own against the two ABC moderators and Kamala. Vice President Kamala did not bomb, she actually did better than anyone expected even though the bar was set low as possible, so Kamala kept her campaign alive. The big story of the night was the ABC moderators’ outright hostility towards President Trump. ABC only fact checked Trump and not Kamala.

    One thing we noticed was the studio was completely blue—Democrat blue. The only red to be seen was Trump’s tie—along with any imaginary rotten tomatoes tossed by David Muir and his sidekick Lindsey. They were obviously on the Kamala team. They often cut off Trump, but not once did they cut Harris. They challenged Trump a couple of times and claim what he was saying was untrue…but facts and evidence show what he said WAS true. The so-called journalists at ABC won’t let facts stand in their way. Not once did they challenge the lies spewed by Kamala—the same lies against Trump told by Biden. Apparently the Democrats plan on repeating the disproven smears including Agenda 25, ‘good people on both sides,’ and ‘bloodbath’ nonsense until election day. The moderators even asked President Trump if he regretted being a racist. One cannot hate the biased mainstream media enough for the hate they continue to spew against Trump. Such lies and hate encourages physical attacks on the 45th president as Trump mentioned during the debate.

    Kamala’s game plan was not to talk about policy, but rather appear moderate while blaming President Trump for all the problems she and President Biden caused over the last four years. She also baited Trump and he often took the bait—while she stood at her podium smiling and smirking at him. Her constant head shaking while Trump spoke was very bad form for a debate, but she got away with it because she’s a woman and a Swamp-dwelling Democrat.

    The end result is she kept her campaign alive. All it took was 15 days of rehearsal and a lap dog media to protect her. Naturally, the corrupt mainstream media proclaimed Kamala the debate winner while making Trump look bad. We expected that no matter what happened, but now the Kamala team is smugly pleased with themselves and are asking for another debate.

    Overall Kamala didn’t score any new points with undecided voters and the fact that the ABC moderators were so obviously on the Harris team and rigging it in her favor—that should be obvious to everyone.

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