This amazing looking device is a Feng Shui Detector, Jadies and Lentlemen, yessir, step right up, get yours while they’re hot, this here thingamabob doodad will “help assess the Feng Shui energy field situation by measuring energy and aura in the environment” according to one description on eBay. It is “20m Depth 1000m Range Adjustable 360‑440Hz Handheld HG”, Yes, it must be, because it says so and no one would ever lie about Feng Shui. I mean, would they?

This incredible, fantastic and futuristic looking whatchamacallit can “Find Suitable Locations: Use the detector to find suitable residential, office, or burial locations based on various factors such as humidity and temperature.” It will also “Measure Multiple Parameters: Measures data on various parameters including geomagnetic field, electromagnetic radiation, gas levels, temperature, and humidity for a comprehensive assessment of the Feng Shui quality.” According to one eBay listing.

There’s a bunch of people in China listing these things and the price ranges from about $160 to $175. No doubt people are wasting, I mean spending, their money on these detectors of the Great Ephemeral Nothingness of the Blue Sky Yonder, because, after all, if you don’t know where your Feng Shui vibes are at, how can you find the best places to locate an outhouse or bury your grandmother?

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