I’ve been wondering what the details of the schism between those currently in power are, that are behind the change in direction of our government, and while this isn’t likely to be the biggest reason or the only one, it’s certainly one of them.

The only sense it made at all for Joe Biden to be made President was because he would do whatever he was told to do, and that’s certainly true, but it turns out there was another reason. He’s a crook. He aids and abets fraud.

It’s coming to light that he’s allowed a lot of people within various agencies to rob American taxpayers by approving false claims for goods and services and by siphoning off portions of funds paid out as aid to other nations including Ukraine, and of course he and his family are very likely getting a piece of each theft. It’s a Biden Mafia.

For most of the politicians in Congress, it must have been galling to watch this playing out, as much of this graft probably interfered with their goals as Globalists. This would sure help explain at least part of why Donald Trump was allowed to be president again, they need a face in there that represents honesty to go with their shift in direction.

Because of this I’m predicting a move away from the racial disharmony that’s been foisted on us by our government. We may start hearing less Anti-White rhetoric from the MSM and more anti-crime speeches, in harmony with a crackdown on drug cartels and a lot of illegal alien criminal deportations.

Our Globalist government doesn’t want to be seen as a criminal organization and Joe’s son Hunter and the criminal behavior of those two, taking advantage of their positions, must have made a lot of the Elite very unhappy. So of course they worked things out with Trump, to put a much better face on what goes on underneath it.

Nothing in government is ever what it appears to be. Don’t be a believer, don’t be a follower, and never take sides. Always watch with an open mind, never ever get sucked in.

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