No, not train crash, trans crash. This “trans” bullshit is finally ending, with a bang, and all over. Here’s a link to a confrontation in New Zealand between a “rainbow” parade of faggots and the local Maori men, who strongly object to these assholes promoting their multi-gender bullshit to the children.

In the US there’s now a strong movement away from the gender madness and back to just two sexes, male and female and the previous trend of letting “trans” boys use girls locker rooms and showers and engage in female sports is ending.

The idea behind all this gender-bending is to cause more homosexual behavior, which would result in less childbirths, generally reducing Earth’s population. The problem is that it proved to be much too divisive in other ways, and the overall goal of Globalism isn’t just to reduce the population, it’s to bring everyone together in harmony. It won’t work if factions keep fighting each other.

This is why things seem to be going in reverse. They’re actually not, some things are ending because they’re failed experiments, but others are continuing right on. One of them is the Mrna “vaccines” which have been developed into edible forms that can also be inhaled, as well as made part of plant DNA in food plants. No one in the US government or any other so far reported is focused on stopping or controlling this, and it goes on. At any time they choose, the world can be made to ingest a dose of anything they create, so population control is either within their ability now or about to be.

But before that really starts happening, and this is just my opinion only because it makes sense to me as being necessary, the world’s power blocs need to reach a consensus. There’s too many nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable governments and those in control of them need to have a firm grip on them before any real die-off of humanity starts happening. Otherwise there will be population imbalances developing that will appear as opportunities to attack.

There’s always the possibility, too, that the Globalists will fail and Earth’s population soars to the point where we all die in our own filth and sewage.

We’ll see.

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