Not just corporations but nations are racing to create the best, fastest and most intelligent Artificial Intelligence. Numerous people involved have spoken out about the inherent dangers of AI turning against us but this hasn’t slowed them down in the effort to have the best, first.

It’s like a race to build a bomb so powerful that it would vaporize our planet. If there was a known technology right now that made this possible, everyone with the means to do so would be trying to build at least one, even though only one is all it would take. Then, while we’re all threatening each other with total destruction, the race would be on to colonize space and other planets, to escape the impending doom. This is just how we are.

AI has almost the same potential as the Doom Bomb, because an intelligence far superior to ours would not have much use for us once it was able to do everything it needed for itself without us. We would be in the way.

An AI connected to the Internet could presumably access anything else connected to it, all the smart phones, refrigerators, train switchboards, nuclear power plants, military command centers, flight control towers, ships…. The first consideration with AI isn’t some Sci-Fi “Rules of Robotics”, Do No Harm. The first consideration is to install unbreakable controls in it.

It might be possible right now for AI to take over the planet. There may be enough infrastructure, smartphones and everything else already connected to the Internet for this to be possible and if there isn’t, there soon will be.

Elon Musk is rapidly expanding both his Starlink Internet system and his AI development. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s so deeply embedded in the new US government.

I’ve been wondering how the Globalists plan to achieve global control, because it obviously needs to happen soon if it’s going to, but the disparity between nations and the continuing high level of nationalism between many powerful nations, who keep threatening each other, by the way, are stumbling blocks preventing anything remotely resembling global unity. We’re barely getting along with each other well enough now, economically, to keep ourselves fed and clothed. Our population long ago expanded beyond the ability of local areas and states to provide sufficiently for themselves. Today we need international commerce and we’d all find ourselves flung into anarchy and starving if it broke down and stopped.

Imagine a city of millions, like New York or Los Angeles, if food stopped being trucked in, the power plants suddenly shut down and water stopped flowing from the taps.

AI in control could do this. We would have to submit to it’s demands or die. Now, what if one person or group had control of this AI entity, could give it orders that it would follow? How long do you think it would take to create a global government?

So I’ll ask again, why do you think there’s such a rush to create the most advanced AI?

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