The decision will have to be made soon whether to militarily attack Iran’s leadership and wipe them out in order to instigate a regime change, or allow them to finish building their nukes and start using them.

The people were a lot happier under royal rule. They didn’t like the Shah because he was supported by America and they were conned into believing that America is The Great Satan by Ayatollah Assahollah. Remember him? This one is no different. The last one put an end to women’s freedoms and a lot of the men’s freedoms and started executing a lot of people, and the new one has carried on this tradition of religious oppression with a vengeance. Now I bet they’d give anything to have the Shah back.

So if the leaders can be bumped off and their military organization defeated, the people would leap to establish a secular government.

Of course, China, Russia, the Saudis, the EU, UK, USA and anyone else with a sack of marbles would immediately try to dominate the country. The most likely scenario is that a peace pact is formed with the Saudis and OPEC and they send over some sort of UN-style Muslim peacekeeper force to help keep order.

Iran is Shia Muslim, Saudis are Sunni Muslim, and are basically enemies when they’re not attacking Jews or other innocent people. So the Saudis have a real interest in having some say over any new government in Iran.

But then, so do the Israelis and they’re a major force in the M.E. and that means that the US Navy is going to be hanging around for a long time yet to keep things from getting out of hand, after Iran is pacified. If they’re pacified.

It’s decision time. Not in the next 5 minutes or maybe not in the next 5 weeks, but the closing bell has sounded on the last talks with Hamas, and with that I expect Israel to ramp the war right back up again with massive attacks on the Gaza Strip and very likely on Hezbollah in Lebanon, and more assassinations in Iran, that Iran will respond to. It’s just too obvious that this can’t go on.


If you read my posts then you know my position regarding election fraud in the USA, that the elections are just for show, the position of President is merely a front, to be a mouthpiece for those who are actually in charge.

So it doesn’t actually matter, I just thought I’d point out, as others are beginning to do also, that Kamala Harris is a raging alcoholic, much like Nancy Pelosi. The difference between the two is that at least Nancy still manages to maintain focus. Kamala gets hopelessly lost when she tries to say anything, to make some sort of point or talk about an issue, and she ends up laughing like a braying mule.

I bet the Secret Service people assigned to her know some interesting things about the way she smells and things she puts in her mouth, and I’m not referring to sex. Drugs seem to be big with that crowd these days, I mean, when the SS stumbles across cocaine in the White House…..

I think that Kamala is being made the next “president” because she’s such an embarrassing mess. Why else do it? There’s plenty of possible candidates of imposingly serious demeanor who could give a very passable imitation of a functioning and capable President, unlike Kamala. But with Kamala, it’s very clear that she’s not in charge at all, Big Brother is and this is a very effective way to get that point across.

This is also a chilling reminder to the rest of them in D.C. that they’re all just puppets dangling on the end of Big Brother’s strings now.


Cancer rates among those injected with the mRNA “vaccine”, especially young people, are surging, with what is being termed “Turbo Cancer” because people are dying of it as quickly as one week after being diagnosed according to this, copied from an article in Slay News.

“Conveniently, the surge comes as the pharmaceutical companies that make Covid mRNA shots prepare to make huge profits from treating cancer.

In December 2023, Pfizer spent $43 billion to purchase the “cancer care” biotech company for Seagan.

At the time of the sale, Seagan had only recorded $2.2 billion in sales.

Seagan’s already-approved drugs include those for bladder cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma.

The acquisition expands Pfizer’s oncology portfolio to 25 approved drugs.

By the second quarter of this year, Pfizer’s cancer drugs helped the company recover from last year’s massive drop in Covid shot sales.

Pfizer’s stock lost half of its value over the plummeting Covid shots sales.”

So Pfizer makes a concoction that causes cancer, and then buys up a company that makes cancer drugs when people stop buying the drug that’s causing the cancers?


It’s just as nasty as the old AIDS and you get it pretty much the same way. Sweden has just announced their very first case of Congo Monkey Pox. It was inevitable, considering Sweden’s focus on sex. The Swedes are very big on sex.

Monkey Pox, or MP for short, is spread by contact with the skin of someone who has it. Rub elbows with one of the diseased, now you have it, only it’s spread around among homosexuals the most.

Those darn African monkeys, first they give the natives HIV from eating them, now they give them MP just by touching them. I’m telling you, don’t ever feed them beans because monkey farts are the next means of transmission.

Okay, seriously, now that cases of MP are popping up here and there, what do you think follows closely on their heels? That’s right. MP Vaccine. Even though this is a rare disease that almost no one gets outside of Africa and then is mostly confined to just homosexuals, the fear campaign is mounting. The NEW form of the virus “is spread among heterosexuals” — by infected prostitutes. Yeah, that sounds like a global emergency, riiiiight. The mpox vaccine Jynneos should protect against all versions of the virus, experts said, but you need two doses. One plus a booster?

A very interesting facet of this vaccine is that it was also developed to immunize against Smallpox, a disease that has been globally eradicated and only exists now in the freezers of a few laboratories. Outside of using it as a weaponized disease there’s no reason or excuse to keep any, anywhere, so if you haven’t had a smallpox vaccination and can get one, it might be a good idea. Just in case. Personally, I’ll never, ever, get any sort of vaccination again. I had the Smallpox vaccine when that’s exactly what it was, when I was a boy along with every other kid in America.

Today you can’t really know what the hell they’re squirting into your body.

Ever since the Covid Flu Experiment, it’s been clear that all those years of us being warned of the dangers of mutated diseases are coming to fruition through the efforts of biolabs, I mean Mother Nature, and of course there must be new vaccines to deal with them.

Some of this stuff may be genuine vaccine, some may be useless crap pushed on us purely for profit, and some may be to get rid of certain of us but if you don’t take any of it, you don’t need to worry about it. What concerns me is that now they’re developing their so-called vaccines to be ingested, to be part of the food we eat, so we get the stuff inside us whether we want it or not.

Humanity is on a strange new path.


Hezbollah, the terrorists who have taken over Lebanon, have released a propaganda/terror video showcasing the massive network of very expansive tunnels they’ve carved out under the cities and fields of Lebanon, and the rocket launchers within the tunnels that have powered doors, like silos, that open to the sky so they can be fired at Israel.

With a purported 150,000 missiles, fleets of trucks in the tunnels to move them to the launchers, and an unknown number of launchers, they could rain destruction down on Israel for months.

In building this massive hidden network of destruction, the terror organization has proven that they’re both industrious and capable. They have created a weapon to attack Israel that is almost impossible to defend against. They’ve also proven how very shortsighted they are because the operative word here is “almost”.

If you were being buried under a missile assault of a thousand, two thousand, three thousand missiles a day and there was no end in sight, and you had atomic bombs, how long would it take you to answer this threat with nuclear retaliation, if that were your only recourse? Because end it, it would.

Iran created Hezbollah in Lebanon and continues to work hard at finishing the construction of their atomic bombs to attack Israel with, now they need only perfect the triggers, it’s said, and it’s obvious that the attack by Hezbollah is waiting on Iran’s completion of their A-Bombs so the two can attack in unison. It was apparently also part of the plan that Hamas would join in this combined attack, except that Yayah Sinwar, Hamas leader, grew impatient and launched the attack that resulted in Israel going to all-out war with them. He expected Iran and Hezbollah to join the fight, but instead he not only upset their timing, he forced Israel to join forces politically against all of them.

I’ve long expected that it will be Israel that uses the first nuclear weapons since 1945, because the forces building against them can only be stopped by the use of them unless other nations join in, and very quickly, not to just be in defensive mode as the US, France and the UK have been so far, but to actually attack Iran and Lebanon.

Iran says that they will block the Hormuz Strait if attacked, and stop the oil shipping, and they can. This is why they haven’t been attacked and why the US doesn’t want Israel to attack them.

However, Israel has an oil pipeline extending from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, that can transport over a million barrels of oil a day to tankers safely situated in the Mediterranean from Saudi Arabia and the OPEC states, totally avoiding the Strait.

So it’s a choice. Let Israel be destroyed along with that pipeline and Iran controls all the oil shipping while continuing to build nuclear weapons, threaten all the other surrounding states and establish their Shiite caliphate, subordinating Sunni Saudi Arabia and the OPEC states, or aid Israel in taking down the Islamic regime in Iran. It’s not much of a choice for anyone, is it?

Their problem is that all those Islamic states hate Jews and Saudi Arabia is home to possibly the single most rabid form of Islam, the Sunni Wahabbists. They’re the ones, if your memory serves, who forced 15 little girls to burn to death 22 years ago when their school caught fire, because they couldn’t reach their head scarves and weren’t permitted outside without them. How likely are these people to side with the Jews over even their Muslim enemies like the Iranians?

So unless the USA/France/UK militaries do more than take a defensive posture in the coming battle, my bet is on Israel employing their nuclear arsenal. No one is going to nuke them back with the possible exception of Pakistan, and if they did, Israel would retaliate and India might take the opportunity to join in the fray. There’s zero love lost between these two, Pakistan would lose and they know it, so I see this as unlikely.

It is because of Israel’s ability to use nuclear weapons to ensure their survival that might, I say might, bring the offensive forces of at least the US to bear against Iran and their Hezbollah proxies, because when the point is reached, Israel will inform them that they’re about to use that arsenal. If the US waffles and tries to make Israel wait, the result will be the same as when they were told to stop bombing Gaza and stop fighting Hamas. Israel isn’t going to wait while they get annihilated.

What we’re doing now is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Iran needs a regime change and soon. This war cannot be avoided, only the use of nuclear weapons can.


The Human Race is slowly discovering what it forgot over millennia. It’s now been proven that the main stone in Stonehenge, called the Altar Stone, was brought there from at least 460 miles away, from N.E. Scotland about 5000 years ago.

This was a monumental effort that had to be completed by people along the path that was taken, indicating that Britain was a united nation 5000 years ago and not just scattered tribes and villages as has long been thought.

The well-preserved ruins of Gobekli Tepi in Turkey are at least 12,000 years old and display very advanced stone work, stone carving and engineering, over a long period of time, as they cover a large area.

The Sphinx in Egypt is also at least as old as Gobekli Tepi, and the various massive stoneworks found in South America, Egypt and other lands that all feature the exact same type and shape of stones and construction, indicating a global network of human interaction, are thought by many archaeologists to also be at least 12,000 or more years old. Additionally, there’s reason to believe that the Great Pyramids may be, as well.

No one today knows how the truly massive stones that were moved many miles to their construction sites were moved there, how they were made to fit so precisely, how they appear to be molded to shape, how they were carved so exactly, as if turned out in molds like concrete building blocks, how they were obviously cut with saw blades, drilled with drills and faster than we can drill stone today.

We know that there are ancient settlements, stone structures, under coastal waters that were covered when the last Ice Age ended, some 10,000-12,000 years ago.

When you build with large blocks of stone, it’s because you expect to be around a very long time. Temporary shelters only need temporary materials. To have this expectation, then you must have already been there a very long time and have learned over time the best methods of working with stone.

I have a theory. Ice ages last a very long time, generally 100,000 years or so, with warm periods like ours in between them. North America was mostly covered in an ice sheet along with a lot of Europe, but there wasn’t a great loss of habitable land because the ocean dropped up to 400 feet when the water turned to glaciers, and that created a lot of dry land. Places for people to live wasn’t the problem and there were far less people then anyway.

The problem was that it was so cold. Humanity had to live in the warmest coastal regions if they were to be more than hunter-gatherers huddling together for warmth. During the thousands of years of ice age, people had to cooperate for survival. Wars would have been too counter-productive to contemplate. All the other beasts of the planet also moved into the warmer climes or adapted with warmer fur and different food sources.

The people would have had to build walls that would keep the animals out, and endure for thousands of years and they had thousands of years to work out the best ways of working with this material. By the time the last ice age began to wane, humans had been cooperating and sharing knowledge everywhere they lived across the planet. But when it waned, it did so rapidly as we know now, and most of humanity was living in coastal areas, which were 400 feet below what we call Sea Level now.

My theory is that the ocean rose so quickly, world-wide, that most of our ancestors were drowned. Certainly, all of our great cities were, and the civilization that they were part of.

The amazing stonework that mystifies us today was done by those who escaped to higher ground and continued to build as they had for thousands of previous years. But as Earth warmed up and food became more plentiful, human society changed, the attitude of building for forever faded away, and temporary shelters became more popular. The secrets of the stone builders weren’t passed on from father to son anymore, and were lost.

This is my theory of a condensed history of humanity during the last ice age. To me, it explains those massive stoneworks and why they stopped being built. We still need an explanation of HOW they did it, though, because what they did is far beyond our ability to do anything like it today.


NASA scientists, going over old Rover data, have discovered that Mars has a huge ocean of liquid water, but it’s 7 to 12 miles below the surface. The estimate is that there’s enough water to cover the surface of the entire planet to a depth of a mile. The problem is, how do you reach it, and after you do, how do you bring it up? If gas pressure has accumulated down there as well, the way it has on Earth, then potentially just drilling down to it might be sufficient to have it rise up a good ways or even come all the way to the surface, but that’s just speculation on my part. If there’s any heat left in the planet’s core, that could provide the needed pressure, as well, from steam.

If Musk does establish a colony on Mars, he might just want to take a copy of his Boring Company along with him, to tunnel down to the water. If anyone can find a way to bring the water up, it would be him.

The farther out we go, the more we find. Life just keeps getting more interesting all the time.


I was just watching some videos of what gangs of masked Muslims are doing in England. They’re attacking people on the streets, going into pubs and attacking the people in there, and the police are helping them do it.

This is what happens when the people are disarmed and prevented from defending themselves. Then you can do any fucking thing you want to them and they can’t do a thing about it except get beaten to death or run and hope to hide.

Our government will be vigorously coming after our guns soon, the warnings are being issued by the so-called “democrat candidates”, aka future political appointees, now. So it’s time to look ahead at some of the consequences.

The thousands of gun shops across America will be put out of business along with the gun manufacturers. Obviously, the government will want to be first in line to get all those guns, and they have options. They may pay the shop owner what they say is a fair price for the guns and simply take them if the owner refuses the offer, or they may just swoop in and take them all without offering any payment first, and let the owner fight in court for compensation.

Savvy gun shop owners will see this coming and start having sales at cheap prices to get those guns to the public before they get taken away, and at least get some money back from doing so. Same with ammunition.

After the citizenry is disarmed, and severe punishments start being handed out on those found with guns, watch the knives come out, and bows and arrows, and spears. The new laws against having anything even remotely resembling a weapon will come out right after. People will be encouraged to snitch on each other, and they will. Guess what that will do to an already enraged society as the snitches are hunted down and killed. Taking the guns away won’t make us all safer, taking the guns away just opens the way for the most violent among us to be more violent. If you think the crime in Chicago and other big cities is bad now, wait until honest people can’t defend themselves any more.

Most of the police are useless now, they sit back and watch or else encourage the mayhem.

This change is coming to the USA just as it already has to Europe. They’ve imported millions of violent black people. We’re still doing the same plus we already have a population of millions of violent people, mostly black.

But in the meantime, do have a wonderful day.


Aristotle said, “There is no great genius without some touch of madness” and many others have agreed with him in the centuries that followed.

Today we have two geniuses, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, getting together to make Trump the US president once again. They’re doing so in spite of the fact that the entire US Congress is against him along with -almost- the entire US court system and all the Attorney Generals, the Dept. of Justice, and the completely corrupt US voting system that’s now in place along with the entire Main Stream Media.

In the effort to dissuade him from pursuing his ambitions, he’s been repeatedly prosecuted, found guilty of 36 made-up felonies, sued for hundreds of $millions, and shot at, by a bullet that grazed him and nearly took his life. Still he persists.

Now he’s joined by the richest man on Earth, whose fortunes are almost entirely dependent on the good graces of the US government, which can shut him down using the completely dictatorial and arbitrary methods it now commonly employs.

I can see Trump being this crazy, but Musk? What in the hell are they doing? Am I missing something here?