Had a thunder and lightning storm about ten days ago and now fires are breaking out all over the place from lightning strikes. When lighting hits an old tree it sometimes starts it burning down inside, and it can take it a week or two before it erupts in flames and sets everything around it burning.

And of course we have prevailing winds out here that get blowing pretty hard, and it’s been hitting 105 degrees most days, which is goddam hot and DRY, so now there’s three big fires surrounding me, all within ten miles or so. Ten miles is nothing to a forest fire in a wind, so I’ve been packing up my most valued items to load in the car.

Zone 2, Be Prepared to Evacuate, is only a few miles away, that can turn into Zone 1 any time, making my area the new Zone 2.

It would really piss me off if my house burns down.


They’re beating louder and harder on the war drums in NATO, it really looks like Europe wants war with Russia/China. They have a little one now with Russia and I’ve been wondering if this wasn’t started to deplete Russia of it’s arms and men before getting into a big one. China will certainly be a big enough foe with it’s hordes of people.

This article says that NATO has over 500,000 troops on high alert and ready to go to war with Russia. Certainly the Russians, aka Vlad Putin, are making big threats against the NATO members about using atomic bombs on them. Russia is supposed to have more nukes than any other nation, but who knows how true this is? When the Soviet Union collapsed, they rushed to sell off everything they could to pad their bank accounts and tons of plutonium were sold.

It’s good to keep in mind while all the noise is going on, that humanity is in the process of evolving to the next step, which is global government. We’ve done the tribes, the city-states, the nations, the empires, the national alliances, and none have worked out to keep us from killing each other off. All that’s left is a drastic reduction in our population and a global government. Getting there is going to be messy.


The news just hit that Biden won’t run for re-election, “Bombshell News”. Bombshell, my ass, my porch plant knew this was coming. They don’t want Kamala to be their next puppet nominee, so of course Biden will stay in office until his term expires. If he left early, then they’d have to use her, but this way they can choose anyone they want.

And…. there’s big talk of putting Hillary up again. Personally I doubt they will, she just has too much baggage, all the rotten shit she’s done in and out of office, she really should be in prison.

This drama is starting to unfold for me. I said last post that this is all theater. It is. Now some guy with a video camera has posted a photo of Trump that shows a white line streak near him and he claims that its a bullet. No, it’s Photoshop and I can prove that. Yet the media has leaped on this bogus picture and said, Yes, Yes, It’s The Bullet.

Oh, the DRAMA. Trump is nearly killed, he is SO dramatically posed with a bloody ear, he waves his fist in the air with blood on his face, and shouts his defiance. Is this one of those Roman gladiator movies? Looks like one. He just had to sacrifice a small piece of one ear for the sake of believability. He had a Brush With Death. He is now Humble, and Closer To God, just listen to him talk about God if you don’t believe me. God God God. He will be the Great Uniter.

Then he’s nominated by his party, gives the longest speech ever, many Democrats praise him (no shit. Democrats, praising the guy they reviled a week before), the MSM saying Good Things About Donald Trump, (isn’t that AMAZING?) who selects as his Vice Pres. running mate a man who reviled him two years ago, called himself a “Never Trumper”, and is closely allied with the top Globalists.

The cherry on top is Biden announcing what we all knew was coming anyway, that he wasn’t running again.

If all this doesn’t smack of TOTAL BULLSHIT for the American public to suck up, then nothing ever does or ever will.

I told you, repeatedly, that the only way Trump could become President again would be for him to be in bed with the Globalists. Now Trump will the Great Uniter to Bring The Parties Together, which they already are, they’re the fucking UNIPARTY. Only Trump will sell us on this great convergence, this marvelous agreement and casting aside of differences on “both sides”. In other words, to bring us all under full control of Globalism.

Oh. One other thing. It looks like my guess may be wrong, Kamala Harris is being backed by the Globalists for President Puppet. I really didn’t think she would be, but that could still change, too.

UPDATE: Biden is home supposedly sick with Covid. It would serve Harris well to assume the office of president now due to Biden’s sad demise, and I expect the announcement of his death within the week. Unless she’s going to be thrown under the bus, of course. Then they would want Biden to stay alive and in office and will present their preferred candidate at the coming Dem. Nat. Convention. This is what’s meant by “Politicians eat their own”.


Project 2025 logo full

“The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars: a policy agenda, Presidential Personnel Database, Presidential Administration Academy, and playbook for the first 180 days of the next Administration. (Copyright Heritage Foundation)”

The Heritage Foundation is the Conservative Right’s answer to the Liberal Left, and Project 2025 is their effort to swing the USA government back to the right again. Put another way, it’s a large group of very wealthy people who see their fortunes and power being eroded by the activities of the Left and seek to limit and/or reverse them.

The Heritage Foundation has it’s own equivalent of the WEF’s “Young Leaders” college and seminars, which is the Presidential Administration Academy, where those destined to become political appointees and members of a Conservative president’s cabinet are trained in their responsibilities and general doctrine.

The Leftist media has been claiming that Project 2025 is about destroying democracy with a dictatorship. This is a pretty good joke, since that’s exactly what the Left is doing now, so if the Right does it too, that seems fair to me. Checks and balances, it’s called.

What I REALLY see all this as, is two factions of the same Globalist Cabal competing with each other for positions of power, and what that tells me is the obvious, that they are not all in agreement yet on their agenda, the best courses of action to take or in who or what group should be fully in charge.

Don’t mistake this big show of separate political parties as being real. It’s not, it’s all just entertainment, like the shows in the Roman Coliseum and for the same purpose, to take attention off the Emperor and how things are being run.

Keep in mind that Globalism is a concept of government, a philosophy, there are variants of thought within it that will always be evolving, and this process is still in it’s youth. The forces within it have global impact when in play, as they are now.

The real danger to the world, and by that I mean us proletariat, The Powerless, also referred to as The Common People or The Masses, (never forget how they see us) is if these Elitists can keep a rein on themselves in their lust for power. Because they don’t much care what happens to the rest of us as long as it doesn’t affect them in a negative way.

Never forget that all the talk of the politicians about how they want to help us and do good things for us is all total bullshit. Every one of them wants to help themselves and do good things for themselves at our expense. When a government endorses a policy of prosperity, it’s not to enrich us, it’s to enrich them and increase their power in the world. We just benefit as a necessary side effect.

Now the die is cast, as the expression goes, and the internal war of the Globalists in America has begun. Gird your loins, another good expression for what may be coming next.


I watched Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention tonight, and while the narrator, in between the various speeches preceding Trumps, described him as being more humble from his brush with death, I didn’t hear much of that from Trump when his turn came to speak.

He told the crowd that God was on his side, and referred to those supporting him as “Trumpers”. Trumpers? Really?

Things seem to be taking a different turn than what pretty much all of us expected including me. I still don’t know if the Cabal is going to kill him or not, of course, I’m still not sure if he’s “taking a dive”, like the boxer expression, and made a deal with the Cabal, or really what the Hell is going on now.

Because almost everyone that backed Biden a week ago is now throwing him under a freight train. When Evil Chucky Schumer says he wants Biden gone, you know the wind has seriously changed direction and turned arctic cold. So Biden may be gone by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, but if not, it looks like soon. Then what about Cackling Kamala Harris, will they put her up as their candidate? Not likely even though she sure wants to be the next Puppet President.

If Biden is booted, they’ll pick some other likely male politician as the Cabal candidate for Puppet over Kamala, I’m pretty sure of it.

Then, either the election is stolen again and the Cabal Puppet “wins”, Trump is elected and plays along with the Cabal, or he doesn’t and is killed and his Vice Pres. becomes Cabal Puppet because he was a two-faced traitor all along. No, I’m not saying he is, that’s just my third possibility.

And you know, as twisted up as this all has been the past nearly 4 years, I may be wide of the mark on all my guesses. All I can really say is that it sure is entertaining to watch.


The author of the post I’m linking to here is religious, a Christian and what I call a “Jesus freak”. But, outside of his superstitious beliefs, he says exactly the same thing I’ve been saying. This either proves that even some religious people can see some reality, or else it proves that I’m a nut.

It’s a long column, it’s like reading a couple years of my posts all condensed into one, and we’re almost totally in agreement with each other. I’m posting this link because it’s the first time in all this time that I’ve come across anyone else who sees the reality of what’s happening as clearly as I feel that I do.

Other than his stuff at the end about God and Jesus, the person he thinks will actually be made President, and his hedging about the attempt to kill Trump and not saying right out that it was our government that did it, which it was, other than that we’re together on everything else.

He thinks it will be Obama’s tranny “wife”, Big Mike, who will be the next President Puppet. Maybe. I don’t know, personally, but we’ll see.


Huma Abedin, the woman who was married (and they’re still not divorced) to Anthony Weiner, the rising political star who was showing his weiner to little girls on the Internet and got sent to prison, is engaged to marry Alex Soros, the son of GEORGE SOROS, the billionaire who’s been doing his very damnedest to corrupt the American legal system by financing the election campaigns of Communist state Attorney Generals, the people who decide who to prosecute for crimes and who not to.

Huma was on Hillary Clinton’s political staff for years, including when the Hildabeast was Secretary of State, as well as when she ran for President.

This reeks of a power union conceived in Hell and spawned in the sewers of Rangoon. When the world’s most powerful and evil copulate, it’s never a good thing for the rest of us.


Dan Bongino says this was a setup to kill Trump, that the Secret Service agents have been told “If you want to keep your jobs, keep your mouths shut.” He’s talking to Donald Trump Jr, Tucker Carlson and another person I don’t recognize, at the RNC building.

The Internet is on fire with witnesses to this government attempt to kill Pres. Trump, from vendors there and Secret Service people to hundreds who came to hear Trump speak. “They left a clear line of sight to kill Trump.” “Rep tells CNN assassination attempt was intentional.” Here’s another, and another, and “Secret Service now under investigation”, and another…

This was too obvious, too blatant, too sloppily done, too much evidence in plain view, too many witnesses, too many videos. The US Government did this and everyone knows it.

When they stole the election from him and us, they waited until the early dark morning hours and covered the windows of the counting rooms with cardboard against the darkness outside and anyone trying to see what was going on inside. But this, they did in broad daylight in front of ten thousand people and everyone saw what was going on. There was no cardboard blocking this view, of a man with a rifle on a roof with a clear view to shoot. Everyone saw him including the Secret Service agents, who were ordered not to shoot him until he shot first.

Everybody knows. The pictures,videos and testimony of witnesses are all around the world. They can deny all they want, but everybody knows.


Okay, here’s the general drift of what’s going on between Donald Trump and Melania. This isn’t “official” but it looks pretty solid from where I sit.

Melania is splitting up with Donald. Not entirely, but pretty much. She’s moving to New York, will not be living in the White House with him and won’t be doing any “First Lady” events. She’ll probably do short stays of a few days in the White House once in a while, to keep up the appearance of still being his wife, but she’s not going to live there or take part in ceremonies. She’s getting the hell away from the danger of being near him, and keeping her son Barron away as well.

Melania is a brilliant woman, I think she speaks six languages if I remember correctly, and I have no doubt that she didn’t want Donald trying to be President again because she saw the danger clearly even if he didn’t. She doesn’t have the big ego he has that blinds him to everything except his ambitions.

When you think that someone you know is going to be killed by any means available, regardless of who else might be in the way, would you want to be around them? So to her, abandoning her husband and moving out of Mar A Lago in Florida to live in New York, fully expecting him to be killed sooner rather than later, would be devastating. I get it.

Some will say that she’s abandoned him, but I think he’s abandoned her and his family, by pursuing this goal of the Presidency. Too many people have said that “he’s the only one who can save the country”, and that’s a crock of crap. The truth is that he’s the only one wanting to fight an impossible fight, except that now he found someone else to do it with him, one JD Vance, whom I know very little about except that just two years ago, he was a “No-Trumper” and now suddenly he’s a big supporter.

Know what I think? I think that Vance is faking it. Remember how I kept saying that the only way Trump could be president again is if he made a deal with the Globalist Cabal? What if it’s Vance who made the deal? What if they let Trump get elected, now that he survived the effort to kill him, AND THEN KILL HIM? Then Vance becomes President and turns out to be another Obama. It could happen. It would sure solve this little problem the Cabal would have of Trump being President.

Politicians are all a pack of liars. They have to be, the system chews up and spits out the naive ones who think they can clean things up, do right for America and protect our Constitution and democracy. Those days were over within 50 years of this nation being founded, and now it’s governed by a pack of elitists all operating under the same rules who claim to be two different and opposing parties. Donald Trump is the lone chicken in a hen house surrounded by foxes.


Melania’s absence from the RNC tonight was glaring, everyone was wondering why she wasn’t there with her husband. Well, earlier she’d issued a statement and in it said: “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change.”

On the brink of DEVASTATING change. What did she mean by that? I think she meant that she then fully understood what she was fearing before, that not just Donald’s life was in danger, but her whole family. I said the other day here that I feared for his family. I think she does now, too, and I bet they’ve all been advised by the Secret Service that all their lives are in danger.

She wasn’t alone in not showing for Trump’s nomination. His daughters weren’t there, his son in law was missing, too, as well as his youngest son Barron. The only family by his side was his oldest son.

I think Melania is taking Barron and leaving, and that’s why Donald Trump wore such a deep look of sadness. It’s going to be a lonely trip to the White House, if he’s ever even allowed to get there.


Decided to take a look at a news video of the Republican National Convention, tonight, and Trump really looks SAD.

I do read faces well, it comes from long experience, and for an occasion when he should be grinning happily, he’s having a pretty tough time even cracking a thin smile. His eyes are sad and droopy and he has the look of a man who knows this isn’t going to end well.

He does. He looks like someone who’s about to leave everything he loves behind hm. It’s that kind of look. He should be radiating joy at getting his party’s nomination, and he’s doing the opposite.

What is he expecting to happen? Also, Melania isn’t there by his side. Where the hell is Melania?